DPR Appreciates Pertamina For Building A Sustainable Innovation Center At IKN

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI Sartono Hutomo expressed his appreciation to Pertamina, who will build the Sustainability Hub and the International Institute of Sustainability Indonesia (IISI) which is a center for innovation and sustainable research in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in collaboration with the Bakrie Group.

This collaboration, he continued, by telephone in Jakarta, Monday, June 3, is part of Pertamina's efforts to continue to develop human resources in the field of sustainable energy (sustainability).

"This effort is a real example of how big companies can take a proactive role in facing global challenges related to climate change," he said, quoted from Antara.

According to him, the steps taken by state-owned oil and gas enterprises (BUMN) can be an example for SOEs or other large companies to develop similar initiatives that will accelerate the achievement of net Zero Emission (NZE) and encourage innovation and investment in clean energy.

Sartono added that Pertamina's efforts in building human resources in the field of sustainable energy are very positive and strategic steps that are expected to become a center for the development of human resource competencies in the field of sustainable energy.

"With this program, Pertamina is not only committed to providing clean energy, but also in preparing workers who are ready to face the challenges and future needs of the energy industry," he said.

Sartono stated that he agreed with Pertamina's efforts in preparing human resources that understand sustainable energy because the energy transition to NZE requires special expertise and an in-depth understanding of technology and best practices in clean energy.

"Most importantly, it must be from the best sons and daughters of the nation. With adequate training, these human resources will be able to design, implement, and manage effective and efficient sustainable energy projects," he said.

He said the effort reflected the company's strong commitment and seriousness in printing superior human resources which will become the main pillar in accelerating the achievement of the NZE target.

"This is not just a temporary initiative, but a long-term strategy that is integrated in the company's vision and mission," he said.

The existence of human resources that have an understanding in sustainable energy for the industry, especially oil and gas, is indeed very significant, he added, because trained human resources will bring innovation and efficiency in the company's operations.

These human resources will be able to adopt the latest environmentally friendly technology, increase energy efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions.

"This will increase the company's competitiveness at the global level and ensure business continuity amid changes in market regulations and expectations that are increasingly prioritizing sustainability," he said.

Previously, Pertamina and Bakrie Group agreed to develop the Share Hub infrastructure at IKN which is part of the Nusantara Knowledge Hub in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN). The agreement was contained in a collaboration (MoU) signed by the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati and CEO of Bakrie and Brothers Anindya Bakrie, in Jakarta on March 26, 2024.

Regarding the collaboration between Pertamina and Bakrie Group, this week President Joko Widodo is scheduled to lay the first stone (groundbreaking) for the sustainability research infrastructure project in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).