MUI Appreciates The Issuance Of PP On Mining Processing By Religious Organizations

JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas appreciated the government's decision to grant mining processing permits to religious community organizations (ormas).

Anwar said, in Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 uud it was said that the earth and water and natural resources contained therein were controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people.

According to him, in the history of the nation's journey, especially since the New Order era until the issuance of Decree number 25 of 2024 concerning Amendments to government regulations number 96 of 2021 concerning the implementation of mineral and coal mining business activities that are trusted by the government to manage mining are only business entities, cooperatives or individual companies.

However, with the issuance of the new decree, there is a breakthrough made by the government that needs to be appreciated because in the decree there are religious organizations that have done a lot for the nation and state given the opportunity by the government to participate in managing mines.

"This is clearly something encouraging because through this policy, it means that religious organizations will be able to obtain new sources of income to support their activities where we know that the activities carried out by religious organizations are also closely related to the duties and functions of the government, namely protecting, educating and prospering the people," Anwar said in his statement to the media, Monday, June 3.

In fact, he said, in terms of efforts to protect the people, in the event of a natural disaster, religious organizations were first present at the disaster site from the government to help the people affected by the disaster.

"But their movement did appear limited due to lack of funds so that they were unable to buy and prepare the necessary equipment and other things. Likewise, in terms of efforts to educate the nation. We know that the government has not been able to carry out this task alone," explained Anwar.

In addition, according to him, religious organizations also have roles such as establishing schools and hospitals, which number thousands independently.

"Indeed, the government has helped, but the number is clearly far from what these educational institutions and health institutions need," continued Anwar.

Anwar also quoted Article 34 of the 1945 Constitution which states that the poor children who are neglected are cared for by the state, but in reality the government also has limitations so that Omas still has a role in assisting the government's duties and obligations.

To carry out this task, continued Anwar, mass organizations only rely on donations from members and sympathizers and from various businesses they do.

"But sometimes the mass organizations are also forced to "demonstrate" here and there so that the activities they plan to carry out can be carried out," he said.

Therefore, so that mass organizations can carry out their duties properly, these organizations must be made strong financially.

"And I see that the decree that was just issued by the president Jokowi is part of that effort so that it is hoped that the role of this religious organization in the future in empowering the community and citizens of its nation will be much better so that our goal to make this country a developed, civilized and just country will be realized and accelerated," concluded Anwar.