Having A Strategic Position, PAG Targets It To Be Asia's Energy Center

JAKARTA Perta Arun Gas (PAG), affiliated with Pertamina Sub Holding Gas has a strategic position because it is close to the Malacca Strait.

With this position, PAG can realize its mission as a hub energy center in Asia.

PAG's Finance & General Support Director, M. Yudi Setiawan said PAG's advantage is located near the Malacca Strait which is an international trade traffic route and services can meet the expectations of the hub users.

Currently, continued Yudi, Arun Hub plays a strategic role in maintaining the reliability of environmentally friendly energy supply (LNG) for the domestic and international industries (Asian Market).

"This is done through the provision of reliable energy infrastructure and meeting international safety standards," he said in an official statement, Sunday, June 2.

Therefore, Yudi also appreciated that the support of regulatory and stakeholders to the operation of the LNG Bonded Logistics Center (PLB) Arun went well according to the extension of the user hub.

Meanwhile, the Director of Customs and Excise Facilities, Padmoyo Tri Wikanto, welcomed the operation of the LNG PLB in Arun Lhokseumawe with a strategic commodity advantage.

Our role and function can be developed. Currently, on logistical issues, the Hub for LNG will play an important role in meeting energy needs. We support PAG's target as a Hub Energy in Asia," he said.

PLB is targeted to streamline logistics costs and investment development opportunities, provide a multiplier effect of the economy and job creation.

In addition, the PLB in Arun is expected to continue to grow with various commodities in the oil and gas sector and take a strategic role in meeting national and international energy needs.

Meanwhile, Vice President Corporate Strategic Planning & Business Development, Surkani Manan explained, Strategic Milestone and Current Condition business operations at PLB LNG Arun and plans for medium and long-term business development at the ex-Kilang Arun facility.

"PLB contributes to job creation, investment development, additional foreign exchange and taxes for the country," he said.

According to RJPP, PAG will increase the storage tank capacity of the LNG Hub and develop a Hub for other oil and gas commodities, namely the Condensate / Nafta, LPG, including as a Hub or CO2 Receiving Terminal (cross border) to support the Indonesian government's target, namely Nett Zero Emission 2060.

PAG in parallel prepares natural gas processing infrastructure and liquefaction for the potential for new gas disclosure from WK Migas Andaman. So it is hoped that Arun will have two roles as Hub Energy International and LNG Producer for national energy needs and international markets.