Engineering Financial Reports, Two Tangerang Regional Telkom Officials Named Suspects
JAKARTA - Engineering the financial statements of two officials from PT Telkom Access Regional Tangerang with the initials AB and RSAK were named corruption suspects. Both were named as corruption suspects, after the prosecutor's office conducted a financial audit related to the process of shopping for tools and work facilities.
PT Telkom Access (TA) is a subsidiary of PT Telkom whose business is in the field of internet network installation and one of its services is the installation of Indihome. To facilitate its services, PT TA uses a third party for the installation process in the field.
The Head of Special Crimes (Pidsus) of the Tangerang City Prosecutor's Office, Dewa Arya Lanang, said that the prosecutor's office received a report from PT Telkom Access Regional which showed that it was in a minus position for the work of Pasang Baru and Migration specifically for the Tangerang area.
"Furthermore, the findings were investigated, from January 2021 to April 2022 and the results of the investigation were obtained on the work order data on the PT. Telkom Indonesia system with bill data from unsuitable partners, in which the bill from partners was greater than the job ordering data," said Head of Special Investigation Unit Dewa Arya Lanang Tangerang City to VOI, Sunday, June 2.
Dewa when met with Kasi Intel, Khusnul Fuad added that as a result, PT. Telkom Access's financial report was minus. It is indicated that there are individuals in PT. Telkom Access who manipulate bill data.
"The modus operandi carried out by the two suspects, namely AB and RSAK, is to jointly collect fictitious jobs through partners/third parties from Telkom access. And when reconciliation is carried out, it seems as if the work is the right job and can be collected by partners, the data is used by the two suspects for personal gain," he said.