Celebrity Marriage Commodification In Public Broadcasting Rooms, How Long Will You Go?

JAKARTA - The series of celebrity wedding processions, Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah will be broadcast live on the national television station RCTI tomorrow. According to the broadcast schedule in circulation, the broadcast of the wedding procession was not once or twice but up to four times. It could be that the Atta-Aurel marriage will exceed the duration of the broadcast of celebrity weddings, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina who are known to be one of the most luxurious in Indonesia.

The most unsettling part wasn't the two couples' competition. But how long does our public space called television do these kinds of things? Perhaps broadcasting the wedding procession on a television channel using public frequencies would not be a problem. As long as the duration is normal. But if it is broadcast for hours or even days? Remember, public frequencies cannot be used arbitrarily without prioritizing the public interest.

According to a series of broadcast events in circulation, the procession of Aurel and Atta's wedding series will be broadcast live in a few days. Starting from the application on March 13 tomorrow, followed by siraman on March 19.

Not only that, even the recitation procession was broadcast live on March 20. Finally, the final event is the marriage contract which will be held on April 3. All of these series will be broadcast live on RCTI TV station.

Broadcasting ethics

Commissioner of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Nuning Rodiyah is of the opinion that application broadcasts do not actually contain the dominant public interest. In fact, the principle of broadcasts using public frequencies such as national television must prioritize the public interest.

"For application broadcasts, the principle of broadcasts using public frequencies must certainly prioritize the public interest. Does this show contain public interests? Of course not dominantly," said Nuning to VOI.

Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar (Instagram / aurelie.hermansyah)

In addition, according to Nuning, impressions that reveal privacy spaces such as proposals and marriages should be limited in duration. Nuning said that a similar incident that often happened before should not happen again. For example, the word Nuning shows the Raffi-Nagita wedding and the president's child marriage.

"That must be properly guarded. Do not let, like a few years ago, a similar broadcast was held for up to 7 hours, a full day, broadcasting the Rafi Nagita wedding, the president's child marriage and so on," he said.

Commodification of celebrity weddings

The weddings of artists featured on television shows are nothing new. One of the many celebrity weddings that is hot to talk about is Raffi-Nagita.

The program, entitled Janji Suci Raffi and Nagita, was broadcast live from a private TV station, Trans TV. The duration of the broadcast of this program was unmitigated, namely two consecutive days from 16-17 October 2014. On the first day the program was broadcast for 14 hours from 8 am to 10 pm.

Anastasia HP Enga in her journal published in the Diponegoro University Interaction Journal (2016) said that the form of marriage broadcast by Trans TV had not kept the sacred promise itself. "And don't care anymore about the public frequency used in the screening of the event."

Thanks to the wedding broadcast, Enga noted that Trans TV's ranking shot up overnight from number 7 to the position of champion. "On October 15, 2014, Trans TV was in position 7 with a share of around 8. Then the next day its position immediately shot to number 1 with a share of 21 in the All and ABC markets," he wrote.

In his writing entitled Commodification of Marriage Towards the Holy Promise on Trans TV (2016) Enga said that the wedding ceremony of Raffi and Nagita had undergone a commodification. By definition, commodification relates to the process of transforming goods and services from their use values into commodities that are oriented towards their exchange rates in the market.

In the context of marriage, Raffi and Nagita may mean a shift in value from a sacred wedding ceremony to prioritizing commodity values or material values. There is a price in each of these weddings. As an illustration, Enga calculates how much money he gets from the Raffi-Nagita marriage.

Enga refers to the average prime time advertisement price of IDR 12 million to IDR 14 million per 30 seconds. For example, there are only 20 advertisements, in one broadcast, the program can earn as much as IDR 840 million from the Holy Promise program.

The current commodification of television media, said Enga, shows vulgarly how the audience's imagination, attitudes and moral standards are "manipulated in such a way by the stabbing of ideology (lifestyle values, materialism) which is determined by market and industrial interests," he wrote.

"Shows such as soap operas, infotainment, comedy-comedy and even irrational advertisements without heeding the limitation of broadcast hours, as well as news (criminal, political, social) have conditioned the audience in cultural tensions, a crisis of self-confidence and have become naive subjects in responding to the flood of television programs. , "he added.


The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) gave administrative sanctions a written warning against the broadcast of "Janji Suci Raffi and Nagita" which was broadcasted by Trans TV on April 16-17, 2014. In the warning letter numbered 2415 / K / KPI / 10/14, two broadcasts were broadcast. consecutive days are not in the public interest.

"The program is broadcast in an unnatural broadcast time and does not provide benefits to the public as the full owner of the frequency. This type of violation is categorized as a violation of the protection of the public interest, ”said the KPI warning signed by the Chairperson of the KPI, Judhariksawan 2014 ago.

According to the Commissioner of KPI, Nuning Rodiyah, broadcasting wedding ceremonies is not prohibited. Provided that it is still within a reasonable time limit. "The average duration of broadcast programs is, don't let the breaking news last up to five hours," said Nuning.

Nuning warned not to let broadcasts like this dominate public spaces excessively. "This should also provide an example to the public, that this is part of the public interest that must be protected," he concluded.