Binus Designs Geospatial Waste Management Application

JAKARTA - The Communication and Information Agency (Diskominfo) together with Bina Nusantara University (Binus) School of Computer Science designed a geospatial-based waste management application.

GeoEco-AI Research Interest Group Binus lecturer Fabian Surya Pramudya in a statement in Tangerang, Saturday, June 1, said the application was used for waste management and geospatial analysis. Implementation can also use Artificial Intelligence (AI) if needed.

"The current progress is 50 percent and we continue to improve this Geo Bee and then we make it more specific to geospatial waste management. Then, we will also coordinate with the local Environment Agency (DLH)," he said.

He hopes that the Geo Bee can be useful for the wider community, especially in Tangerang City. Thus, waste banks in Tangerang City can operate optimally and reduce waste accumulation.

"Hopefully this application will be useful for the people of Tangerang City and used as much as possible. So, waste management is getting better, there is no accumulation of waste and waste banks can operate optimally," he said.

Tangerang City Head of Diskominfo Indri Astuti said the application was called the Geo Bee Dashboard based on research and study results.

"Later on, this application can be used in geospatial-based waste management for the public interest from the results of this collaboration," said Indri.

Indri added that Diskominfo also provides opportunities for Binus to conduct further research before it can be collaborated with the Environment Agency.

"They will conduct further research and we will also meet with the Tangerang City Environment Agency," he said.