Highlights Unsri Student Script Plagiarism, DPR: Academic Titles Of Perpetrators Can Be Revoked

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Hetifah Sjaifudian, highlighted the case of alleged plagiarism of the thesis of the Sriwijaya University Law (Unsri) students by the Law student of the University of Muhammadiyah (UM) Palembang. Hetifah said that the title of the perpetrator of thesis plagiarism could be revoked.

"If it is proven that the perpetrator gets an academic degree based on scientific works resulting from plagiarism, then the title will be revoked in accordance with Article 25 of the National Education System Law," said Hetifah, Saturday, June 1.

The East Kalimantan legislator also supports the campus to investigate the alleged plagiarism. Hetifah emphasized that all forms of plagiarism cannot be justified.

"It should be investigated how a thesis that has a very high level of resemblance to scientific works that have been passed by the university, especially with technology, such as Turnitin, which can detect plagiarism," explained Hetifah.

This case, added Hetifah, must also be a lesson for all universities and universities to have qualified procedures.

"To ensure that the scientific work produced by students is plagiarism-free," concluded the Golkar politician.

Previously, it went viral on social media about the plagiarism of the thesis of Unsri Law students by law students at Muhammadiyah University, Palembang.

Because he felt that his thesis had been plagiarized, the Unsri Law student then compared his original thesis to plagiarism.

The Ministry of Education and Culture has also written to the University of Muhammadiyah (UM) Palembang regarding the thesis plagiarism. If it is proven that there is thesis plagiarism, it will be given strict sanctions.

"Because something like this has happened before and we have given sanctions," said Head of the LLDIKTI Information System Region 2, Irsan, Thursday, May 30.