Defending Palestine, Thousands Of Residents Surrounded US Embassy Boycott Israel Echoing

JAKARTA - Since Saturday morning, thousands of residents have attended the Palestinian Defense Action which was held in front of the United States Embassy (US), Jakarta, and they are calling for a boycott of all pro-Israel products.

Thousands of residents gathered carrying and wearing a number of Palestinian attributes, ranging from flags, bands, hats, scarfs, banners and others.

They voluntarily gathered together and echoed the call to release Palestine, which is currently being attacked by Israeli Zionists.

In addition, residents also jointly called for a boycott of products affiliated with Israel until they went bankrupt.

Launching ANTARA, Saturday, June 1, this action also invites all eyes to see Rafah, the city that is currently being attacked, which has resulted in children, women and people helpless being massacred by Zionists.

A resident from Serpong, Tangerang, Lukman said that this action was a form of his love for Palestine, because only by praying and this action could be done.

"This action is a form of our love for Palestine," he said.

Palestinian Defense Action Coordinator Bachtiar Nasir has called for a boycott movement for pro-Israel products. "Let's boycott Israel's pro-Israel products until they go bankrupt," he said.

He also advised residents who took part in this action to echo prayers for relatives in Palestine.

The police guarded the action which was held in front of the US Embassy on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan by deploying 1,120 personnel.

"We urge the participants of the Palestinian Defense Action to pay attention to the rights of other people," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Police Susatyo Purnomo Condro.

He emphasized that he was ready to oversee and secure the actions carried out by residents from various regions around DKI Jakarta.

To guard the action, he deployed 1,120 personnel who were deployed at a number of points in the National Monument (Monas) area.

In addition, Susatyo said, his party carried out traffic engineering but was situational depending on conditions on the ground.

"If the escalation increases, we will close Jalan Merdeka Selatan, we will divert the traffic flow," he said.