Jokowi Says Pancasila Can Be A Freer From Foreign Dependence

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo in his mandate as inspector of the Pancasila Birthday Commemoration Ceremony in Dumai, Riau, Saturday, emphasized that the presence of Pancasila is the release of the Indonesian nation from dependence on foreign parties.

"We hope that the presence of Pancasila will be a release from our dependence on foreign parties," said Joko Widodo, quoting ANTARA, Saturday, June 1, as witnessed by the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube live broadcast in Jakarta.

He said the Indonesian nation should be grateful because Indonesia remains strong, stable, united, and its economy grows amidst the onslaught of the world which is full of uncertainty and hit by various crises.

In geopolitics full of tension and rivalry, the Head of State asked all Indonesians to always be optimistic because they have Pancasila that is the direction of the nation.

"Because we have solid social capital and cultural capital, because we have human resources and we have abundant natural resources. Therefore, we must continue to strengthen the independence of the nation and be independent in the economy," he explained.

He stressed that Indonesia is consistent with active free politics, fighting for the independence of all nations, including the independence of the Palestinian people and fighting for world peace.

Joko Widodo conveyed that Indonesia's role in international politics is also getting stronger, where Indonesia has succeeded in becoming the leader of the G20, the chairman of ASEAN who is successful and will continue to contribute to the world, including through the implementation of the World Water Forum (WWF) Summit which was recently held.

"Activities in the international community do not dampen our struggle to be independent in the economic field. We continue to fight for economic independence, including through domestic industrialization and through downstreaming in various sectors," he explained.

Jokowi emphasized that the state's wealth must be fully guaranteed for the prosperity of the people, and Indonesia must also actively take over the nation's strategic assets to be managed and utilized as much as possible for the welfare of the people.

Therefore, he conveyed that the presence of Pancasila could be a release from foreign dependence.

The President conveyed that one of the nation's strategic assets that had been successfully taken over was the Rokan Block in Riau.

"After we take over the majority of Freeport's shares, then we take over the Rokan Block in Dumai, which is the most productive oil and gas block in Indonesia's oil history, which is already managed by foreign companies Caltex and Chevron for 97 years," he said.

He said he received reports that production in the Rokan Block has now reached 162,000 barrels per day or higher than when managed by Caltex and Chevron and is 25 percent of all Indonesian national productions.

This Rokan Block is the largest block. Freeport and Rokan Block are just a few examples of our passion and efforts for political sovereignty and economic independence to practice Pancasila in real life, building an economy that is in favor of the national interest stand above our own strengths," he explained.

At the ceremony, the President was present as inspector of ceremonies wearing traditional Teluk Belanga clothes with trousers and songket cloth, and wearing a head covering.

The president appeared to be wearing a yellow scarf and a yellow belt.