Kayan Hydropower Plant Development, Regent Asks The Community Around To Be Involved

TANJUNG SELOR - The existence of a giant investment in Bulungan Regency will certainly have a positive impact on the economy and employment.

One of them is the presence of PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) which targets the construction of a hydroelectric power plant or PLTA Kayan Cascade with a capacity of 9,000 megawatts (MW) to be fully targeted for completion by 2035.

The hydropower plant will be prioritized to supply the need for electrical energy sources for the Indonesian Green Industrial Estate (KIHI) Tanah Kuning to the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago.

Bulungan Regent, Syarwani, accompanied by Deputy Regent of Ingkong Ala, attended a thanksgiving activity held by PT KHE at the PLTA location in Peso District, Thursday (30/5).

Syarwani said that gratitude and gratitude for the operation of investment activities of PT KHE and PT KIHI in the Bulungan region would certainly have an impact on improving the economy and absorbing labor.

"Earlier, the president of the national power customary assembly, Drs Marthin Billa, said that the presence of this investment is not only to fulfill the need for renewable green energy. However, it can have a direct multiplier impact on the community, especially employment and economic opportunities, especially in Peso Hilir and Bulungan sub-districts in general," explained the regent.

The Regent hopes that the presence of this investment can really provide support as well as contribute to efforts to accelerate development in Bulungan Regency, especially in the Hulu Sungai Kayan area.

"One of the things that we hope is the involvement of the community in the Peso District area. To be able to be directly involved in various work activities in this project, according to their capacity and competence," he hoped.

Our task in the government in the regions, said the regent, is to prepare and improve the competence of human resources (HR) for the community, including collaborating with anyone who invests in Bulungan, including PT KHE.

"So that later on our community can increase their capacity, so that they can work in the investment area of PT KHE," he said.

The Regent hopes that the realization of the Kayan hydropower project activities can run faster and smoother.

"Of course we hope that the realization (of the Kayan hydropower project) can be faster. Earlier, the 2027 target was delivered (with a target of completion of 2035), with today's visit being a commitment to immediately realize the progress of the development," explained the regent.

Regarding the environmental impact caused by hydropower development activities in Hulu Sungai Kayan. Syarwani said this project carries the concept of green energy so that it pays attention to environmental and sustainability aspects.

"I believe (the development of the Kayan River hydropower plant) will pay attention to the existing environmental aspects. We hope that the energy can be realized and environmental sustainability is maintained," he said.

On the other hand, President Director of PT KHE Andrew Sebastian Suryali in his remarks said that the hydropower development activity in Hulu Sungai Kayan had been carried out since 2011.

"Since 2011, KHE has carried out various activities both in the field and in the central and regional governments in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.

It was explained that the Kayan hydropower plant with a capacity of 9,000 megawatts (MW) is claimed to be the largest hydroelectric power plant in Southeast Asia. With the total investment value reaching US$ 17.8 billion or equivalent to Rp. 275.9 trillion (assuming an exchange rate of Rp. 15,500 per US dollar).

If detailed, the first stage of the Kayan hydropower plant has a capacity of 900 MW, the second stage is 1,200 MW, the third and fourth stages are 1,800 MW, and the fifth stage is 3,300 MW.

Andrew said, Kayan's dam capacity reaches 900 MW, most of which will enter industrial areas to IKN Nusantara.

The Kayan hydropower plant will distribute electricity to the green industrial area of Indonesia (KIHI) Tanah Kuning, Tanjung Palas Timur District. Which is also managed by PT Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia (KIPI) and PT Indonesia Strategic Industry (ISI).

"PLTA Kayan is not only a national achievement because of its largest targeted capacity in Southeast Asia. It also has a positive impact in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally, this is a form of Indonesia's contribution to the world," said Andrew.

Andrew explained that the Kayan hydropower project with a large enough capacity was considered very important for Indonesia in its efforts to prepare new and renewable energy.

"With extraordinary capacity, it can meet electricity needs in Indonesia. Supporting sustainable economic growth, in addition to providing electrical energy, it also provides job vacancies for regions," he explained.

Representing, PT KHE he expressed his gratitude to the entire community and local governments who supported and actively participated in every process of developing the Kayan hydropower plant.

"I would like to thank the entire community and local government for their support and active participation in the process," he said