Police In Ambon Become Suspects In Rape Case Of 8-Year-Old Child

A police officer named Syaiful alias SR was named a suspect after being reported to the Ambon Island Police Headquarters and PP Lease for alleged rape of a minor.

"This incident occurred on Saturday, (4/5) in a junk storage house in Sirimau District," said Head of Public Relations of Ambon Police Ipda Janete S. Luhukay as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 31.

This eight-year-old boy was allegedly sexually assaulted by the perpetrator at around 19.30 WIT.

According to him, this case was reported by the victim's parents on Sunday (5/5) at around 23.40 WIT and was only published this Friday.

This case was revealed when the reporter initially saw the victim who was silent when asked what problem had happened, and then the reporter informed the family of the reporter who was a midwife to check the condition of the victim.

"After being examined, the family found out that the victim had been harassed and all the depraved acts of the perpetrators were examined," explained the Public Relations Officer.

Hearing the victim's story, the family immediately reported the incident to the Ambon Island Police and PP Lease for legal processing.

"For developments until now, investigators have named the perpetrator as a suspect and have examined a number of witnesses, then the victim has been post-mortem and the investigators are currently in the process of filing it," he said.

The suspect himself was charged with violating Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

Regarding the involvement of unscrupulous members of the National Police in this case, the Ambon Island Police Chief and Pp Lease stated that they would take firm action both criminally and with a code of ethics.