ITB Ensures Follow-up On UKT Increase Cancellation

BANDUNG - Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has confirmed that it will follow up on the policy of canceling the single tuition fee (UKT) increase by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

"Of course, we will follow up on the decision to cancel the UKT increase in accordance with the instructions contained in the official letter," said ITB Chancellor Reini Wirahadikusumah in a statement reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 31.

His party has received an official letter from the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding the cancellation of the UKT increase.

As a state university with legal entities (PTNBH) under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture, his party is committed to complying with and implementing the policies set by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"The instructions from the Ministry of Education and Culture are very detailed and comprehensive, and we will follow these directions with full responsibility," he said.

Reini said ITB remains committed to providing high-quality education services for all students.

"We will continue to strive to improve the quality of student education and services by utilizing existing resources optimally," he said.

Previously, Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Makarim officially canceled the increase in UKT at state universities (PTN) in 2024.

"So for this year no students will be affected by the increase in UKT, and we will evaluate one by one the requests or applications for universities to increase UKT, but that too for the following year," said Nadiem at the Jakarta Presidential Palace complex, Monday (27/5).

The Ministry of Education and Culture has listened to the aspirations of various stakeholders, including the community, family, and the leadership of PTN.

"So yesterday we met with the rectors and we Kemdikbudristek have taken the decision to cancel the UKT increase this year, and we will evaluate all requests for an increase in UKT from PTN-PTN," he said.

According to him, there must be a principle of justice and obligation for all parties related to the UKT.

"Once again, we thank all elements of society, students, rectors and others, who have provided various kinds of input. So we will immediately do this. For details, what kind of policy will be carried out later from the Director General of Higher Education will explain the details in the near future," said Nadiem.