Vatican Warns Ukraine Attacking Russia With NATO Weapons

JAKARTA - Vatican Foreign Minister Cardinal Pietro Parolin warned any attack by Ukraine against Russia with NATO supplies of weapons could lead to an "uncontrolled escalation" to the conflict between the two countries.

This was conveyed by Cardinal Parolin at an event in Milan, according to local media reported by ANTARA from Anadolu, Friday, May 31.

The international community recently discussed the possibility of allowing the use of weapons supplied by NATO by Ukraine to be used in Russian territory.

"I believe this should be the concern of everyone who cares about the fate of our world. This can trigger tensions that cannot be controlled by anyone. This is a very disturbing possibility," Parolin said.

"We are working on humanitarian issues, especially on questions about the return of Ukrainian children to their homeland, a mechanism that has been launched with Cardinal (Matteo) Zuppi visiting Kiev and Moscow, and fruitful," he added.