Visit Sri Mulyani, Prabowo-Gibran Synchronization Task Force Team Accelerate Communication And Coordination

JAKARTA - The Task Force for Synchronization of President and Vice President Elect Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka visited Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu RI) office, Friday, May 31.

Deputy Chairperson of the Task Force for Synchronization Ahmad Muzani said that this team was assigned by the elected President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto to synchronize with a number of relevant government institutions so that the new government does not take too long for the transition process.

"This is a team of synchronization groups of the Prabowo-Gibran government requested by the elected president to synchronize with ministries to prepare Prabowo-Gibran after being sworn in as President of the Republic of Indonesia on October 20," said Muzani at a press conference in Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

Therefore, Muzani conveyed, the purpose of this task force is for communication, coordination, synchronization and efficiency needed so that Prabowo-Gibran can directly carry out his programs after being inaugurated.

"Because the upcoming government wants to be quick about the implementation of programs that are our campaign promises during the last general election," he said.

Furthermore, Muzani explained, this team will continue to visit a number of related ministries to launch the process of synchronizing the new government until the inauguration phase arrives.

"The remaining time until the inauguration time we will coordinate and synchronize with the relevant finance ministries and several ministers to make preparations for these programs," he said.

In its composition, the Prabowo-Gibran Synchronization Task Force Team was led by Sufmi Dasso Ahmad as chairman and Ahmad Muzani as Deputy Chair. As well as Tommi S Djiwandono as a member of the economy and finance sector, then Budi Djiwandono, Prasetyo Hadi and Segyono as members.

Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani said that synchronization, communication and coordination are very important during the transitional leadership because the Ministry of Finance has an important role in preparing the 2025 RAPBN for the government, including the new government that will carry out its programs.

"So in the process of drafting the 2025 RAPBN, of course, a coordination and synchronization communication is needed so that the 2025 APBN can accommodate various aspirations of new programs," he said.