Jhoni Allen's Lawsuit To AHY Will Be Heard On March 17 Later

JAKARTA - The inaugural trial of a lawsuit filed by politician Jhoni Allen for Democratic Party Chairperson Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) will be held on March 17, 2021.

"The political party lawsuit case by Jhoni Allen Marbun cs and AHY was carried out on March 17, 2021. The Chief Judge is chaired by Mr. Buyung Dwikora," said Head of Public Relations at the Central Jakarta District Court Bambang Nurcahyono when contacted in Jakarta, Friday, March 12.

Jhoni Allen filed a lawsuit for AHY, Secretary General of the Democratic Party Teuku Riefky Harsya, and Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Democratic Party's DPP Hinca Panjaitan at the Central Jakarta District Court on March 2.

The lawsuit, according to the Central Jakarta District Court Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) page, is registered with case number 135 / Pdt.G / 2021 / PN Jkt.Pst for cases of suspected illegal acts.

Jhoni sued three Democratic Party central officials for his dismissal as a party cadre.

DPP of the Democratic Party through the Decree of the Central Leadership Council of the Democratic Party Number: 09 / SK / DPP.PD / II / 2021 dismissed Jhoni Allen as a party member on February 26, approximately one week before the extraordinary congress in Sibolangit, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra , last week, March 5th.

In his lawsuit, Jhoni asked the panel of judges to declare the decree invalid and null and void.

Not only that, Jhoni also asked the panel of judges to declare that the general chairman, secretary general and chairman of the Democratic Party's DPP honorary council had committed an illegal act.

So far, the Democratic Party's central board cannot be reached for comment regarding the lawsuit.

However, the head of the Democratic Party's Strategic Communication Agency, Herzaky Mahendra Putra, when met after a press conference at the Democrat's head office at Wisma Proklamasi, Jakarta, Monday, March 8, said that his party was ready to take legal steps to face a lawsuit against his group.

Jhoni Allen together with other politicians held an extraordinary congress of the Democratic Party in Sibolangit and appointed Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko as general chairman for the period 2021-2025 replacing AHY.

The congress also appointed Jhoni as secretary general of the party, and Marzuki Alie as chairman of the party's supervisory board.