Differences In Interpretation And Takwil In Understanding The Meaning Of The Koran

YOGYAKARTA Interpretation and takwil are terms that often appear in understanding the Koran. Both are similar, but differences in interpretation and takwil must be understood to avoid misunderstandings. So what is the true meaning of interpretation and takwil?

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), interpretation is interpreted as a description or explanation of the Qur'an verse so that its meaning is easy to understand. Meanwhile, takwil is interpreted as the interpretation of the meaning of the Qur'an which contains an implicit or implied meaning.

Reporting from the NU Online website, Muhammad asy-Syairazi in al-Qamus al-Muhith explained that the interpretation is reviewed from the language meaning of deep expression. Meanwhile, according to Abu Hayyan in the interpretation of al-Muhith interprets interpretation as the science of the procedure for pronunciation of the latez of the Qur'an, meaning, and content intended for each lambadz and the arrangement of words in the Koran.

Meanwhile, according to the mutakhiriin cleric (the middle-century cleric), takwil understands it as interpreting a vague meaning and rarely used for massive lafadz but with a strong argument.

In an article entitled Tafsir and Takwil published in the Scientific Journal of Falsafah: The Journal of the Studies of Philosophy, Theology and Humanities, Hamnah explained that interpretations and takwil have indeed become popular terms even since the beginning of Islam until now. Both terms have also sparked polemics among scholars, especially ulama, in the post-the beginning of the 4th century Hijriah.

However, the study of the differences between interpretations and takwil among Muslim cendekia continues to grow so that there are boundaries between the two.

The difference in interpretation and takwil, for example, is explained by Quraish Shihab which is described by Hamnah. In his explanation, interpretation is a condition in which the meaning of the verse is hidden for some listeners. When it is required to be pronounced in terms of language, well, and balaghah, listeners are able to understand well.

While takwil is a verse that has some meaning and everything is acceptable. However, when it is mentioned one meaning, listeners are hesitant and do not know what the word is chosen.

Another difference is that the interpretation is mostly used for the verse of muahkamat, which is a verse that is clear in meaning and easy to understand. While takwil is mostly used in the verse mutasayawah, which is a verse whose meaning is not yet clear, so it needs a knowledge so that the meaning can be understood.

Interpretation activities will be carried out word by word, while takwil will be carried out in the form of a complete sentence. The interpretation also explains the position of good words from the right and the wrong (in fact) point of view.

From the understanding described above, it can be concluded that interpretations and takwil although similar still have differences. Interpretation can be understood as an activity to understand the meaning of the Koran. While takwil is an activity that is carried out to reveal the hidden meaning of the Qur'an verse but can only be done by scholars with instructions from Allah SWT.

Those are some different interpretations and takwil. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.