Police Respons Regarding The Bill Gives Cyber Blocking Authority

The National Police responded to one of the points in the Revision of Law (RUU) Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police regarding the authority to block content in cyberspace.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Shandi Nugroho, said that the Bill was still being discussed by the House of Representatives (DPR). Thus, the police have not yet received complete data.

"So it needs to be emphasized that it is currently being discussed, what kind of discussion we also have not received complete information," Shandi said as quoted on Friday, May 31.

Regarding the reduction or take down of content that is considered to contain elements of a criminal act, said Shandi, so far it is the authority of the Ministry of Information and Communication (Kemenkominfo).

Although, in Article 16 letter Paragraph (1) Letter q of the National Police Bill, the police are given the authority to immediately block it.

"So the Cyber Law already has a law on public information disclosure and the IT Law already exists. And the rules already exist, if there is a task for the problem of taking down the Minister of Communication and Information," he said.

Not only that, Shandi also responded to the issue of increasing the retirement period of Polri members from 58 to 60 years as stated in the bill.

It is said that this is expected to trigger all members of the Bhayangkara Corps to work better in serving the community.

"Hopefully this can be a benefit for the police, they can work better in the future. Especially with an increasing retirement age, it means that the age to serve the people of the nation and state is also increasing," said Shandi.