Ombudsman Escorts The Acceleration Of Distribution Of 9.55 Million Tons Of Subsidized Fertilizers

The Ombudsman oversees the acceleration of the distribution of subsidized fertilizers, which the government has set a total of 9.55 million tons in 2024 from the previous 4.7 million tons.
"Everyone must move to support the smooth distribution and we continue to oversee all efforts to accelerate it," said member of the Indonesian Ombudsman Yeka Hendra Fatika in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, quoted from Antara, Friday, May 31.
Based on data from PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), as of May 27, 2024, subsidized fertilizers of 2.33 million tons or the equivalent of 24.5 percent of the total allocation of fertilizer subsidies of 9.55 million tons nationally.
Yeka revealed that a number of blockages that had been the cause of the insufficiency in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers had been mapped by the Ombudsman. Among other things, there are still many farmers who are not verified as those who are entitled to receive them with all obstacles.
Then there are still farmers who enter as recipients even though in previous years they have never made up for it.
Third, there is no legal umbrella for distributors or retailers in distribution because a number of regional heads have not signed a decree (SK).
"The Ministry of Agriculture must pressure the regions to immediately issue a decree, at least in mid-June it can be distributed to those who have not," he said.
Yeka also emphasized the need for simplification in verification and validation because the system has not made it comfortable for officers in the field and is detrimental to PT Pupuk Indonesia. In fact, many subsidies have been distributed but their value cannot be billed.
"The application of i-Pubers (Subsidized Fertilizer Integration) which has been implemented in around 27,000 official kiosks throughout Indonesia must also be ensured that farmers can access it better," he explained.
Yeka also urged the government to increase the margin fee that distributors and kiosks can get because so far the kiosk level is only IDR 75 per kilogram and IDR 50 at the distributor level.
He compared the 3 kilograms larger subsidized LPG margin fee, which was Rp800 per kilogram.
"Fee margins for kiosks and distributors for subsidized fertilizers have been in effect since 2010, if this continues, it opens up opportunities for fraud and people who distribute resign," he said.
Meanwhile, Marketing Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Tri Wahyudi Saleh said that according to Permentan Number 01 of 2024 and Kepmentan Number 249 of 2024, the addition of subsidized fertilizer allocations can be used by registered farmers or farmers who meet the criteria according to Permentan Number 01 of 2024, namely joining the Farmers Group and being registered in the electronic plan for determining group needs (e-RDKK).
This subsidized fertilizer is intended for farmers who make farming businesses for food crop sub-sectors such as rice, corn, and soybeans, as well as sub-sectors for horticultural crops such as chilies, shallots, and garlic, and sub-sectors for plantations such as sugar cane, cocoa, and coffee.
Of these types of farming businesses, it is determined that the criteria for the area of land that is worked on are a maximum of two hectares, including farmers who are members of the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH), are in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
In this new regulation, Electronic Plans for Definitive Group Needs (e-RDKK) can be evaluated every four months of the running year. In other words, farmers who have not received an allocation can input the registration process and the evaluation process in the current year.