Police Officers In Aceh Undergo Drug Case Trial

The public prosecutor (JPU) of the Banda Aceh District Attorney's Office charged an intermediate officer and another police officer who was involved in drug abuse of methamphetamine weighing up to 100.51 grams.

The indictment was read out by Public Prosecutor Teddy Lazuardi Syahputra and his friends at the trial at the Banda Aceh Court, Thursday, May 30.

The two policemen who were accused of drugs were Aji Purwanto, a middle officer with the rank of adjunct commissioner of the police (AKBP) and Samsuardi, a high-ranking officer with the rank of adjunct inspector of police one (aiptu).

The trial with the panel of judges was chaired by Said Hasan and accompanied by Azhari and Arnaini respectively as member judges. The two defendants attended the trial accompanied by Helfandra Busrian, Syahrul Rizal, and friends.

In addition to the two police officers, the Public Prosecutor also charged two other defendants in the same case, but the case files were separate. The two defendants are Suwandi and Mursadi.

The public prosecutor stated that the defendant Aji Purwanto on January 5, 2024, contacted Suwandi asking him to come to the Aceh Regional Police's official residence in the Jeulingke area, Banda Aceh City, which he occupied.

At that time, the defendant asked Suwandi to bring methamphetamine which they called "vitamins". Then, Suwandi came and the defendant used the prohibited item.

Furthermore, the defendant and Suwandi left for Bireuen. Both of them stayed at a hotel. The defendant contacted Samsuardi and Murdani to meet him at the hotel and bring "vitamins". At the hotel, the defendant also used the prohibited items.

"The defendant also ordered methamphetamine from Murdani for Rp. 5.3 million. The methamphetamine was brought by the defendant to Banda Aceh," said the public prosecutor.

Arriving in Banda Aceh, said the prosecutor, the methamphetamine was handed over to Suwandi. Then, Suwandi divided it into several small packages with a total weight of 100.51 grams.

"Suwandi was finally arrested by Banda Aceh Police personnel. To the police investigators, Suwandi admitted that the methamphetamine belonged to the defendant Aji Purwanto," said the prosecutor.

Then, the defendant Aji Purwanto was arrested at the Aceh Regional Police's official residence in Banda Aceh. Meanwhile, Samsuardi and Murdani were arrested in Bireuen Regency.

The prosecutor charged the defendant with violating Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Then, violated Article 112 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of Law Number 35 of 2009 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

The panel of judges will continue the trial next week with the agenda of hearing the defendant's exception or objection to the indictment of the public prosecutor.