Commitment To Strengthening Good Company Governance, ID FOOD And Subsidiaries Support The Cleaning Process Of SOEs

JAKARTA - The holding of BUMN Food ID FOOD along with all its business entities upholds good corporate governance in carrying out business operations. To oversee Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and integrity in every food business line, ID FOOD is active in establishing partnerships with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and the Attorney General's Office.

This was conveyed, VP Secretary of Corporate ID FOOD Yosdian Adi Pramono through his statement, Thursday, May 30, in Jakarta. According to him, the ID FOOD collaboration with BPKP was carried out regarding Fraud Risk Mitigation at BUMN in the National Development Risk Management Framework.

"This collaboration with BPKP is very strategic in ensuring the ID FOOD food business process runs on the track due to mitigating the risk of fraud from the start. This preventive step is expected to provide maximum contribution and benefits for strengthening the national food sector," he said.

In addition to together with BPKP, Yosdian added, ID FOOD has also collaborated with the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (Jamdatun) of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office regarding cooperation in the Civil and State Administration Sector. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that the tasks and functions of ID FOOD in maintaining food security, building inclusiveness, and increasing business scale can run more optimally because they receive assistance and guidance from credible institutions.

The cooperation between ID FOOD and Jamdatun, he added, includes assistance, considerations, opinions, and legal assistance in the field of civil law and State Administration. This synergy can also help the company's efforts in socializing civil law aspects to food business partners, as well as providing input and input to management in all lines to consistently carry out business activities according to the principles of good corporate governance.

"This cooperation is also a legal risk mitigation step, considering that currently ID FOOD has carried out many corporate actions and government assignments related to food supply and stabilization," said Yosdian.

Yosdian said, with the assistance of BPKP and Jamdatun, the company's business activities were better maintained in terms of governance, regulatory compliance, and aspects of preventing law violations. This is also in line with the spirit of cleaning up SOEs launched by the Minister of SOEs.

"ID FOOD certainly supports the spirit of cleaning up SOEs launched by the Minister of SOEs, where the management of the ID FOOD business entity is committed to being cooperative and supportive when facing the legal process," he said.

The ID FOOD cooperation with BPKP and Jamdatun is a collaboration that has been routine and continues to be carried out in recent years. The signing of the latest memorandum of understanding with BPKP was carried out in March 2024 witnessed by the Minister of SOEs and the Attorney General. Meanwhile, the Cooperation Agreement with Jamdatun was updated in November 2023. Currently, the two collaborations are ongoing and are deeply felt by the impact of the assistance and prevention mechanisms carried out," he explained.

In the future, Yosdian ensured, the Company will continue to collaborate with stakeholders who are concerned about the escort and implementation of GCG and risk management. With transparency, accountability, and good preventive measures, we believe the company's business process will be healthier and more competitive," he said.