Some Facts About Pluto You Need To Know

YOGYAKARTA - Have you heard the name of the planet Pluto? Because a few years ago, the name pluto was once mentioned as the ninth planet in our solar system, even though in the end the statement was withdrawn. Let's discuss the facts about pluto!

Secara umum pluto orbitasi pada Matahari secara langsung dan juga dikenal sebagai planet katahu di sebut Kuiper. Agar semakin mengenal planet pluto, kaliangan perlu memati beberapa fakta di bawah ini;

Pluto's Name Proposed by An 11-year-old. He is Venetia Burney, a student from Oxford, England. At the time the discovery of the ninth planet was announced on March 13, 1930, the planet was not yet named.

Venetia, who knew that the name Planet was previously taken from the name of the Greek God, advocated the name Pluto, which is the name of the Greek God of the Lower World.

For his grandfather's efforts, Falconer Madan, head of the Bodleian Library at Universita Oxford in England, finally the name Pluto, which was initiated by Venetia, was elected and used to date.

I. Pluto Becomes A Culprit Planet Since 2006

The reason is, Eris' findings in 2003 made Pluto caste down and become a Planet of Kerdil. At the same time, he made the IAU redefinition of the Planet.

For IAU, Planet is a celestial thing;

II. Pluto is the Largest Dwarf Planet

At one point, Eris is estimated as the largest dwarf planet. Currently, at very accurate measurements, it is known that Eris has an average diameter of 2,326 kilometers with a margin of error of 12 kilometers.

Meanwhile, Pluto's diameter is 2,372 kilometers with a margin of error of 2 kilometers. Although thin, this is enough to make Pluto the largest dwarf planet, getting rid of Eris.

III. Pluto Is Not an Ice World

As we know, pluto is indeed a cold planet. Pluto's surface is also covered with ice and has several bright and dark areas, crater debris, and mountainous areas.

In essence, there is only a third of Pluto's surface covered in ice, while the remaining two-thirds are rocks. Therefore, it is more accurate that the planet Pluto is called a rocky world with an ice shell.

IV. Pluto Has Been Visited By A Spacecraft

The spacecraft, New Horizons, launched in 2006, reached Pluto on July 14, 2015. The plane took a series of photos and other measurements.

Currently, New Horizons is again on an expedition to the Kuiper Belt to explore other objects that are further away. More details read: Pluto's Scale Is No Longer Considered Planet in Today's History, August 24, 2006".

V. Pluto Has 5 Satellites

The first and the largest is Charon, met in 1978. Next, Hydra and airshed, both of which were met in 2005.

In 2011, it was Kerberos' turn to be found. Finally, Styx, who was met a year after Kerberos' findings.

VI. Pluto Smaller Than Some Satellites

Ganymede (the most satellites in the Solar System), Titan, Callisto, Io, Europa, Triton, and the Moon have dimensions greater than Pluto. As the picture, Pluto's diameter is only about 66% of the Moon's diameter and its mass is only 18% of the Moon's mass.

Even so, Pluto is still the largest dwarf planet. After about 10 years, Eris holds the title.

VII. Pluto Sometimes Has an Atmosphere

When Pluto's elliptical orbit has brought it closer to the Sun, the ice surface will melt and make the atmosphere thin, let alone nitrogen that has been separated from this plaque for a long time. Likewise, the fog containing methane floats about 161 km above the surface.

Later the methane will be separated by sunlight into hydrocarbons that fall to the surface and blanket the ice with dark covers. When the pluto moves away from the Sun, the atmosphere then freezes and changes again to solid.

So after learning the facts about Pluto, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!