Commitment To Maintain Water Ecosystem, Pupuk Kaltim Lowers Hundreds Of Embedded And Tukik Media In Maratua

JAKARTA - Increase commitment to maintaining biodiversity and water ecosystems, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) deployed 134 units of reef media in the waters of the Coral Stock Center Maratua, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. This environmental action with the theme Future Reefs Future Us is carried out by Pupuk Kaltim together with nine companies in Pupuk Indonesia Group, Sunday, May 26.

President Director of Pupuk Kaltim Budi Wahju Soesilo, revealed that the decline in reef media is part of the Company's contribution in maintaining the sustainability of the water ecosystem, so that in the future it will be maintained and beneficial for the community and the surrounding environment. Moreover, the existence of Maratua as one of the coastal areas in Indonesia, has unique marine resource potential, as well as a source of community livelihood in terms of utilizing marine products and developing tourism potential with its underwater beauty.

"Therefore, with the decline of 134 reef media, it is hoped that it will enrich marine biota as well as preserve the beauty of Maratua underwater. This is a form of support from Pupuk Kaltim for the ecosystem as well as the development of the tourism potential offered," said Soesilo, in his statement, quoted Wednesday, May 29.

According to Soesilo, coral reefs are home to thousands of marine species, as well as play a role in protecting beaches from abrasion. However, various threats to coral reefs also continue to grow, ranging from climate change, pollution to irresponsible human activities.

So in line with the Future Reefs Future Us theme which was raised, maintaining coral reefs has become a shared responsibility so that it remains sustainable and well maintained, so that in the future a healthier and more sustainable marine environment will be created. Where currently around 33.82 percent of the total area of Indonesian coral reefs has been damaged or is in poor condition, thus requiring serious revitalization efforts.

"Pupuk Kaltim sees coral reefs play an irreplaceable role in maintaining the balance of the marine biota ecosystem, which will ultimately provide long-term benefits for the community and the surrounding environment. This is also our spirit in the action of reducing coral media in Maratua," said Soesilo.

So far, Pupuk Kaltim's commitment to biodiversity and the water ecosystem continues to be improved every year, especially in the waters of Bontang City. Where Pupuk Kaltim has reduced 6,882 units of artificial reefs from 2011 with a minimum target of 500 units per year, as well as initiating the establishment of the Karang Reef Center of Excellence (CoE) since 2021.

The establishment of CoE was also strengthened through collaboration with the Center for Coastal and Oceanal Resources Studies (PKSPL) of the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), to ensure the sustainability of water conservation efforts carried out by the Company. This program includes various activities such as reef transplantation, nursery through coral currency facilities to counseling for the community.

"Pupuk Kaltim does not want to just talk, but also take concrete actions by involving the Government and the community in preserving coral reefs as a form of shared responsibility for sustainability," said Soesilo.

In addition to the decline in reef media, there was also the release of more than 300 hatchlings as a form of support for Pupuk Kaltim together with Pupuk Indonesia Group to increase the population of turtles in the wild, so that the balance of marine ecosystems can be maintained. Moreover, the Derawan Islands is known as a natural habitat for green turtles (Chelonia mydas) which is one of the endangered species, so efforts need to be sustainable so that the population is maintained.

"Pupuk Kaltim hopes that the marine ecosystem with a wealth of marine biota and other biodiversity can be maintained properly, including the turtle population in Maratua continues to develop as the joint commitment to care for each other," added Soesilo.

President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi, also said that the preservation of the water ecosystem is part of the company's strategy to integrate environmental aspects in operational and business activities, in line with government policies to support sustainable natural resource management.

This step is also encouraged by all companies in Pupuk Indonesia Group, to always increase their concern and contribution to environmental conservation with various concrete actions. As this time, this is a form of corporate commitment in a synergistic and collaborative manner to provide benefits by being directly involved in supporting water areas to be more protected.

"Especially with the potential of Maratua as a tourist destination with its marine wealth, it is hoped that it can be maintained in a sustainable manner, especially in terms of the balance of the water ecosystem and biodiversity in it," said Rahmad.

He also said that Pupuk Indonesia Group will continue to increase its commitment to developing targets to provide benefits to the environment, with concrete and sustainable program implementation. From this, it is hoped that synergies between companies, communities and related stakeholders will be realized in maintaining and preserving Indonesia's natural wealth.

"Through environmental actions like this, it is hoped that the continuity of synergy between companies, the community and other stakeholders will be realized by taking a direct role in maintaining and preserving Indonesia's natural wealth," concluded Rahmad Pribadi.