JTB Records Full Capacity Production Of 192 Million Kubik Feet Per Day

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Zone 12, East Indonesia Regional, Pertamina Upstream Subholding, as the operator of the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Gas Field (JTB) again recorded the achievement of full capacity 192 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) stably for a long period of time.

General Manager of PEPC Zone 12 Mefredi said this achievement was the result of the hard work of workers in carrying out Gas Processing Facility (GPF) or the JTB Field Plant continuously for 7 X 24 hours to meet the sales gas full capacity production target of 192 MMSCFD in order to meet the needs of East Java and Central Java gas.

The full-capacity gas production achieved on Wednesday 22 May has exceeded JTB Project's contractual requirements for a 3 X 24 hour Gas Processing Facility (GPF) performance test.

"We are very proud to coincide with the spirit of National Awakening, JTB presents the production of full capacity 192 million MMSCFD. This is the nation's children's best effort for Golden Indonesia. The 100 percent JTB product in the form of gas is also our contribution to the achievement of the global agenda for energy transition efforts towards clean energy," said Mefredi, Wednesday, May 29.

Mefredi said the strategic role of PEPC was to ensure the smooth delivery of gas from JTB Field according to the buyer nomination through the Gresik-Semarang transmission pipeline to meet energy needs in East Java and Central Java. The JTB gas is currently distributed and absorbed by PGN, PLN, PKG, Industry and for household Jargas.

As is known, JTB Field has been operating and flowing its first gas since September 20, 2022. At the beginning of its production, gas has flowed by 70 MMSCFD, gradually increasing and several times having the opportunity to produce gas by 192 MMSCFD, but for a short duration due to the limited demand for gas in East Java Central Java.

This important achievement is of course accompanied by increased performance, maintaining safe operations with reliable production facilities, and always paying attention to the environment and the surrounding community.

Mefredi emphasized that in the future PEPC is committed to maintaining production achievements in JTB Field, namely by maintaining aspects of reliability and integrity of production facilities or Gas Processing Facility (GPF) in the operating phase to operate 100 percent.

"In addition, it is important to always implement the HSSE aspect in the company's operations and make efforts to optimize the absorption of JTB gas according to the buyer's commitment or PJBG," he explained.