Allegations Of Corruption In The TKI Protection System At The Ministry Of Manpower Will Soon Be Tried

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the alleged corruption of the Indonesian labor protection system (TKI) at the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) was immediately tried. The prosecutor stated that the evidence was complete.

In this case there are three suspects named by the KPK. They are the Director General of Manpower Placement and Transmigration of the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower 2011-2015 Reyna Usman; Secretary of the Planning and Development Agency of the Ministry of Manpower as well as Commitment Making Officer (PPK) I Nyoman Darmanta; and Director of PT Adi Inti Mandiri (AIM) Karunia.

"The prosecutor's team is of the opinion that during the process of collecting evidence by the investigative team, it can fulfill the elements of the alleged corruption article that is detrimental to state finances," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters quoted on Wednesday, May 29.

"By being declared complete, the case file continues to the prosecution process and is brought to trial," he continued.

Furthermore, the three suspects will be detained for the first 20 days under the authority of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) at the KPK. They will also have two weeks to prepare an indictment as well as submit it to the Jakarta Corruption Court.

"As with the time limit set by the law, which is 14 working days, the prosecutor team will immediately transfer the case files along with the indictment," said Ali.

Previously reported, the KPK named three suspects in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of the TKI protection system for the 2012 fiscal year. It is suspected that the actions of the suspects made the state lose up to Rp17.6 billion.

A number of places have been searched to investigate and look for evidence in this case. Not only that, the KPK has examined the General Chairperson of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin on Thursday, September 7, 2023.

The former Minister of Manpower and Transmigration was asked for information regarding the approval of the use of the budget for the procurement of the TKI protection system.