Pertamina Asks The Government To Review The Solar Subsidy Amount, What's Wrong?

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) asked the government to review the amount of subsidies of certain types of diesel fuel. Just so you know, the amount of subsidies set by the government is currently IDR 1,000 per liter.

Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN) President Director Riva Siahaan said the amount of the subsidy was not in accordance with the current Solar economic price.

According to Riva, Pertamina still has to bear a compensation value of IDR 5,000 per liter before being paid by the government

"Regarding JBT diesel, we would like to submit a request for support to conduct a review of the subsidy figure, where currently the subsidy figure in the formula is Rp1,000," said Riva, quoted Wednesday, May 29.

Riva said that the thing that burdens Pertamina is when the company must bear it first before being paid back by the Government which has an impact on the company's financial burden.

"So please get support to get a recount, because the compensation rate itself has reached approximately Rp. 5,000 per liter," Riva continued.

For information, in the 2024 State Budget, the Solar quota is set at 17.8 million kiloliters (KL). Riva ensured that Pertamina could maintain the distribution of Solar below 0.55 percent of the quota or around 17.71 million KL. Meanwhile, Riva's kerosene said it was targeting distribution of 500,000 KL or 4.9 percent lower than the quota set at 580,000 KL.

Solar consumption in 2025 is predicted to increase to around 18.6 million KL to 18.7 million KL.

The projected increase in consumption, he said, had considered the estimated economic growth of Indonesia in 2025 which was estimated to be around 5.1-5.5 percent, based on what was set by the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance.

In addition, it also takes into account the estimated growth of motorized vehicles in 2025 which is estimated to reach 4-5 percent and the implementation of the right subsidy program.

"The assumption that we also do is to continue to monitor and enforce the appropriate subsidy recording, both for Solar, Pertalite, and LPG," concluded Riva.