If UKT Becomes The Business Paradigm Of PTN
JAKARTA - Since 2009, the Indonesian government has allocated 20 percent of its APBN for the education budget (mandatory spending), as a manifestation of Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution. This provision is based on Government Regulation Number 48 of 2008, which was later strengthened by Law 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (Sisdiknas).
This large budget allocation has made Indonesia one of the countries with the largest public spending on education in Asia. However, the PISA Score (Programme for International Student Assessment) Indonesia since 2001 has not experienced a significant increase. So the question of education funds is so large disbursed, but it does not indicate an improvement effect, the quality of education is still labeled bad. The 2024 education budget of 20 percent is 665 trillion.
According to an education expert, Indra Charismiadji, the funds included in the education sector are estimated at 1000 trillion, from the APBN which reached 665 trillion and coupled with community donations such as UKT and IPI (Institutional Investment Contributions). This should be sufficient to improve quality education.
However, large funds for the education sector have not boosted the quality of education in Indonesia. In fact, the quality of education is still considered bad in the world. Indra also suggested, where should the funds run away, no funds should run and be used for other things other than education. According to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Suharti, during a presentation at the DPR Commission X Working Committee, from 20 percent of the APBD budget, which is 665 trillion for the function of education. The Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, turns out to only manage 15 percent of the budget or only 98 trillion.
The largest portion of the budget is actually used for transfers to regions of 52 percent amounting to Rp346 trillion. For village funds, including the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and the General Allocation Fund (DAU) of 11 percent, including for employee salaries and allowances. Also for the allocation of the Ministry of Religion and other Ministries/agencies. Also for financing expenditures of 12 percent as an endowment fund, the budget for non-ministerial expenditures is 7 percent which is managed by the Ministry of Finance.
Suharti mentioned that there are around 22 ministries and institutions that participate in using the education function budget, outside the Ministry of Religion. Starting from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Transportation. Meanwhile, those who have budget planning and authority are the Ministry of Finance and BPN/Bappeda.
So according to a member of Commission X of the DPR, Nurul Huda, his party has long voiced about this education budgeting. Mandating spending, which is 20 percent of education funds amounting to Rp 665 trillion, turns out that under the management of the Ministry of Education and Culture, only Rp. 85 trillion, of that amount intended for the BOP (Operational Assistance) of universities is only Rp. 35 trillion. According to Huda, if Rp. 665 trillion is funds for education, ideally those managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture are around Rp. 250 trillion. "We know that we are in fiscal limitations, but we ask the government, prioritize the funds for the Ministry of Education and Culture trillion, but it must be ensured that the financing and index schemes are true for education, at least so that priority issues can be resolved," he said.
For reasons of this fiscal limitation and the fact that the Ministry of Education and Culture has allocated funds is not very large. Huda assessed that he grew among officials of the Ministry of Education and Culture in the paradigm and the views that are now producing chaos are now crowded, namely the polemic about UKT (Single Lecture Money).
According to Huda and Ubaid Matraji from the National Coordinator of the Indonesian Education Monitoring Network (JPPI), they agreed on the root cause of the UKT problem in addition to the Ministerial Regulation 2/2024, behind which there was a Bill on Law 12/2012, concerning Higher Education.
According to Ubaid, since the enactment of this law, PTN (State University) has been encouraged to become PTN BH - PTN BH, as an alternative to seeking campus funding. PTN, which originally received 80-90 percent funding from its government, was encouraged to independently seek funding by changing to PTN BH.
"The question is, for PTNs who do not have assets to manage and work on? ask Ubaid in Sapa Indonesia Pagi. According to Ubaid PTN who do not have business capital, then they will rely on UKT business, "Business that will not harm the campus, always profit is business through this UKT scheme," he said.
Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives, Dede Yusuf, also believes that the root of the chaos of the UKT is because of the Ministerial Regulation 2/2024 which is suddenly applied to students who are new to college. The increase was considered unreasonable, up to 200-300 percent.
UKT exists after the issuance of Permen 2/2024 which seems to give PTN the freedom to manage UKT, the limit of which is only based on a lower limit. So that later the grouping of students in groups or groups, which was originally up to 9, was added again to 12. Determination of the amount of UKT based on the salaries of parents of students. "So if the parents' income or salary is around Rp. 15 million, it is estimated that he is able to contribute Rp. 1.5 million multiplied by 6 in semesters, he has to pay 9 million per semester." This is considered burdensome, people have other needs, pay for electricity, other bills, if they have 1 child, if the child is more than 1 how?" said Dede during a conversation on MetroTV.
Therefore, a number of BEMs throughout Indonesia shouted and complained to Commission X of the DPR protesting against the UKT policy. A number of campuses for days held demonstrations. Even universities such as Unsoed took action for days, until the Rectorate finally changed the decision on questions with lower UKT,
So Dede and other members of Commission X of the DPR, hope that the candy will be revised by providing an upper limit, so that the increase is not irrational, students also compare their seniors who have increased by only about 30 percent. "How come we can hundreds of percent." he said.
What Dede said is that the long-term effect for students when they are already doctors, become engineers, so lawyers will be oriented towards the capital spent. When working, think back on capital because college is expensive. Even though we want to pursue the golden generation.
Not An Increase, Just A Shift
Meanwhile, the chairman of the House of Chancellors of State Universities, Ganefri, said that regarding UKT, basically there was no significant increase in UKT. According to him, the significant increase will only be in Unsoed "But it has been returned to its original state," he said. The Unsoed rectorate has revoked the rector's decision regarding the increase in UKT and the auction to replace the new regulations claimed to have complied with the demands of students.
Ganefri said the average tuition fee for students requires a fee of 18 - 20 million. While children pay 3-4 million, the rest is subsidized by the campus or by the state, subsidies in the form of employee salaries and operational assistance for PT, "If it is not supported by assistance for adequate infrastructure, for practicum, lab and other treatments, we cannot carry out Tri Dharma Universities properly, so we do not get quality education," he said.
According to Ganefri, the Director General of Higher Education will meet the rectors from the Chancellor's Council to evaluate the implementation of UKT. So far, it has been reported that it has increased by several hundred percent. "That we cannot find except those at Unsoed." he said.
He admitted that he had checked several rectors, none of which were raised to that large, and they even admitted that they were still the same as last year's UKT implementation. There are only new shifts, for example, this year medicine is opened, now they have medicine so that it is adjusted. We have also set at least 20 percent for categories 1 and 2. The rector assembly also ensures that children with good academy skills cannot enter, we monitor that," he said.