OJK: Administrative Socialization And Education Is The Key To Increasing Women's Participation In The Capital Market

JAKARTA - Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisory, Derivative Finance, and Carbon Exchange of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Inarno Djajadi stated that adequate socialization, education, and accessibility of information to women are key in increasing participation in the capital market.

"The role of a woman in a family, both as a wife and as a mother, is very important and vital to maintain assets and manage her family finances," said Inarno Djajadi in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 29.

He also appealed to the public, especially women, to remain vigilant against fraud under the guise of investment.

According to him, the crime took many victims due to a lack of knowledge about the investment products offered.

One thing that is behind all incidents of investment fraud is the desire of the victims to get money and a big profit in a short time and with minimal effort possible," said Inarno.

In addition to women, he also asked the younger generation to be aware of the threat of investment fraud, considering that the number of millennial and gene Z investors continues to increase.

He said that the number of investors under 30 years of age reached 55.98 percent, so it is necessary to understand young people, especially students, regarding the benefits and risks of various investment products in the capital market so that fraud under the guise of investment is not easily tempted.

"We invite all academic community, together to encourage increased financial literacy and inclusion, including the Capital Market sector, and increase to all levels of society so that they always understand and be careful in making investment decisions," said Inarno.

His party also strives to continue to strengthen the level of literacy and financial inclusion of the community so that each can reach 50 percent and 90 percent by 2024 according to the government's target.