Police Hunt For Social Media Account Manager Triggers Brawl In Semarang

SemarANG - Semarang Police are hunting for a number of Instagram social media accounts containing content and triggering a brawl in the capital city of Central Java.

Kasatreskrim Polrestabes Semarang Kompol Andhika Dharma Sena said the police had identified at least five Instagram accounts with uploads of brawls in Semarang City.

"There was a brawl that was allegedly triggered by the uploads of social media accounts," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 28.

Initial efforts to prevent brawls, he continued, the police sent direct messages to the five Instagram accounts as an appeal not to upload videos or pictures of brawls and not to invite them to do brawls.

Semarang Police have coordinated with the Sub-Directorate of Cyber, Directorate of Special Crimes at the Central Java Police in handling the case.

According to him, the police are also still hunting for the admins of the five social media.

"The owner or admin of the five Instagrams is still under investigation," he said.

The account manager is threatened with Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.