Semarang Mayor Mbak Ita Fulfills Invitation To Explore Gerindra For Regional Head Elections

SemarANG - Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu fulfilled the invitation to investigate from the Semarang City Gerindra Party DPC to prepare for the 2024 Semarang City Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

"Alhamdulillah, today I attended the invitation from the Gerindra Party DPC Semarang City," said Ita, Hevearita's nickname, at the Gerindra City DPC Office, Central Java, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 28.

Initially, said Ita, the invitation to investigate the prospective mayor was scheduled for Sunday (26/5). However, he is still in Jakarta following the PDI-P National Working Meeting.

Ita also conveyed that her presence fulfilled the invitation to investigate from the Gerindra Party, which had the permission of the Chairperson of the PDI-P DPC Semarang City, the Central Java PDI-P DPD, then the PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.

"What was conveyed earlier was what was done yesterday during 2023 (as mayor). What was done yesterday, is currently being done, and what will come," he said.

According to him, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) already has national development planning until 2045, including covering areas that must be in line with the center.

"Certainly, in the future we will have to be in harmony between the central government, provincial government, and district/city governments," he said.

Ita has also prepared the vision and mission during the assessment, including the handling of stunting, floods, and so on in accordance with the 2045 National Medium-Term Plan (RPJMN).

In fact, he said, the alignment of regional government programs with the center, for example the Prabowo Subianto program as the elected presidential candidate regarding free and nutritious lunch.

"Incidentally, I have made a book, I hope it can be implemented like that. This was more talk like that," he said.

Apart from Gerindra, Ita also plans to attend a similar assessment invitation from another party, namely the Semarang City Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) which is scheduled for Wednesday (29/5).

Ita also admitted that she had received directions during the PDI-P National Working Meeting in Jakarta some time ago, namely to open cooperation and mutual cooperation with political parties in the face of regional elections.

"Yes, one of them is to be able to establish cooperation and mutual cooperation, the term is like that," he said.

However, he was reluctant to answer the certainty of the coalition between the two parties.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Desk Pilkada DPC of the Semarang City Gerindra Party, Joko Santoso, said that his party had indeed conducted an assessment of many figures, including Ita, who are also PDI-P cadres.

"We did an assessment and deepening. Of course, the hope in the future is that the PDI-P coalition with Gerindra, or my language, wants to build a large PDI-P ship and Gerindra," he said.

Regarding Ita's readiness, Joko said that Ita has the advantage of being incumbent with the programs she has prepared in the future. However, the decision remains with the Gerindra Party DPP.

"When it comes to Mbak Ita's readiness, if my language is 'complex to death', it's ripe, because it's incumbent too. Including when I asked about Pak Prabowo's program, which eats nutritiously for free, it turns out that Mbak Ita already has a recipe book," he said.