Tapera Cut Employee Salaries, Observer: It's An Unwise Policy

JAKARTA - Employment observer at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Tadjudin Nur Effendi assessed that the policy of cutting salaries for Tapera or People's Housing Savings by 3 percent was very burdensome for employees and workers.

"So in my opinion, this policy is not wise, and the policy must benefit all parties," he explained to VOI, Tuesday, May 28.

Effendi said that the Tapera policy would burden workers because there was already an obligation for workers to pay monthly contributions from the Health and Employment Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS).

"I'm sorry for being our workers, BPJS has cut the workforce, BPJS Health plus BP Tapera housing savings, not to mention others, such as paying their children's school fees," he said.

Effendi questioned whose Tapera contribution was actually intended for who because if the workers already owned a house, they would be subject to cuts.

"BP Tapera is clear because it's actually for whom? He said gotong royong to help those who have a house, but the problem is, there is an element of obligation. What if I already have a house, will my salary still be cut, what if I take the mortgage, will it still be cut," he explained.

In addition, Effendi questioned how long the savings lasted and when they could take the money back.

"This seems to be more moderate than good. This is clearly for housing for those who don't have a home yet, but what about those who already have a house, whether the savings obligation is still being fulfilled, then if they already have a house, what benefits will they get after joining Tapera," he said.

Effendi hopes that in the future the government can explain in detail regarding the policy where the benefits are located for workers who already have houses and when these contributions can be taken. Because there were many previous policies, the funds that were cut were clearly intended.

"Hopefully later the government will explain whether it will continue to be withdrawn or not if you already have a house and what Tapera's savings position will be like and how. Many of our experience has gone wrong, such as the fact that the funds are not clear, it was also unclear how it was cut for quite a long time," he concluded.