Legislative Council Denies Buru-Buru Bahas RUU Kementerian Negara Dan RUU TNI-Polri

Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR Supratman Andi Agtas denied that his party was in a hurry to ratify the revision of the State Ministry Law and the TNI-Polri Law.

He explained that the revision of the law was in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK). Moreover, there are not many material changes.

"No, not in a hurry, because now what we can finish. So there is no hurry, especially when all the content is also limited, only regarding age and so on," said Supratman, Tuesday, May 28.

"So, like the TNI Law, it used to be sued, it was related to the age of TNI soldiers because they were Tamtama and NCO were retired for 53 years, now we are adjusting everything to the same as the Police, the same as the ASN law. So we do everything like that," he continued.

Supratman explained that the four draft revisions of the law, which were approved today in the plenary meeting as a bill on the Proposal of the DPR Initiative, had been discussed in Baleg. The four bills, he said, were included in the open cumulative bill category.

"All four. So immigration, then the ministries of the TNI and Polri, and later there will be many more laws that we will solve all those that have been submitted at the Constitutional Court. Therefore, it is included in the cumulative open due to the Constitutional Court's decision," he explained.

In the TNI and Polri Bill, Supratman said, all factions in the DPR only focus on retiring age in order to fulfill the equality between all state civil servants (ASN), both the TNI and Polri. Meanwhile, the contents of the relationship between the TNI and the Ministry of Defense are not included in the discussion of the bill.

"Regarding the relationship between the TNI Headquarters and what the Ministry of Defense was doing, there was a change, but in the end we decided that it did not change the existing article. So things related to strategic interests and the budget is still the same, nothing has changed," he said.

The Gerindra legislator said the four DPR Initiative Proposal Bills would be sent to the government. Then the government through Surpres sent representatives to discuss the DIM Bill with the DPR Baleg. There is no time target to immediately ratify these four bills.

"Does the government agree with the DPR's proposal, so we will discuss it in the upcoming discussions. Yesterday it was decided in the deliberation meeting agency, the four bills will be discussed in the legislative body," he concluded.

The DPR approved four revisions of the Law (UU) as the DPR Initiative Proposal Bill in the 18th Plenary Meeting of the V Session Period in 2023-2024 at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 28.

The four bills are the Bill on the Third Amendment to Law no. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, the Bill on Amendments to Law no. 39 of 2008 concerning the Ministry of State, the Bill on Amendments to Law no. 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army (TNI), and the Bill on Amendments to 3rd Law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police (Polri).