292 ASN Under Sri Mulyani Will Move To IKN, One Of Them Is The Secretary General Of The Ministry Of Finance

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has submitted 292 employees and Ministry of Finance officials to move to the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) this year. One of them is the official who will move, namely the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Finance.

This was conveyed directly by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance Heru Pambudi at the Press Conference of our State Budget, saying that he and the secretariat team would become one of the pioneers of IKN.

"Who will go first? Secretary General and the secretariat team will go first to IKN," Heru said during a press conference on the KiTa State Budget, Monday, Monday, May 27.

Heru said that his party continues to coordinate with the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) regarding the amount of employee quotas that will serve at IKN.

"In total this year we have submitted a proposal to KemenPAN RB 292 employees and officials (Kemenkeu). This number is still moving up or down, depending on the availability of facilities and infrastructure there (IKN)," he said.

Heru conveyed that this figure is still likely to move up or down depending on the availability of infrastructure in order to support the duties of ministers and other leaders.

Heru conveyed that the move plan would be divided into two stages, namely the first stage for the transfer of 198 employees in September, and stage two for the transfer of 94 employees in November 2024.

Heru explained that for the first phase in September as many as 198 employees who were proposed to move to IKN consisted of 17 echelon I-level officials, 29 echelon II, and 152 executor-level to echelon III.

Then for the second phase in November, as many as 94 employees consist of 4 echelon I-level officials, 9 echelon II people, and 81 executor-level to echelon III.

Heru added that the ranks of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Finance team will be the first to move to IKN. "We are also always given directions and also coordinating with KemenPAN RB, especially related to quotas," he said.

On the same occasion, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that she would accompany Heru Pambudi to work at IKN. But he did not explain for sure whether to join in moving to IKN or not.

"We must be careful, we are serious. We'll see the regional office there," said Sri Mulyani.