3 Elementary School Teachers From Keerom Papua Almost Arrested By PNG Soldiers
JAYAPURA - Three Niliti State Elementary School (SDN) teachers, ToweHitam District, Keerom Regency, Papua, who were teaching in Komailen village, were almost arrested by Papua New Guinea (PNG) soldiers who came to the village.
"From the confessions of the three teachers, they have been teaching in the village for several months because in Nilititi village currently many have moved to Komailen village," said Keerom Police Chief AKBP Christian Aerdilansir ANTARA, Monday, May 27.
He explained that the incident occurred on Thursday (23/5) when the three teachers were teaching in one of the buildings in Komailen village. They fled to the forest for fear of being arrested.
According to the Police Chief, the local police have asked for information from the three elementary school teachers. The reason they taught in the village was because of the request of the Nilititian residents who were in Komailen.
"Residents who live in the RI-PNG border area do have customary rights in the regions of the two countries, for example, Indonesian citizens have customary rights in PNG, so they have houses and gardens in the country, and vice versa with PNG citizens," he said.
According to the confessions from the teachers, said the Police Chief, PNG soldiers came to Komailen by helicopter and had taken their luggage and their identities were also burned.
"Currently they no longer have identities and other cards that were confiscated and burned by PNG soldiers," said Christian Aer.
When asked whether Komailen entered the territory of Indonesia or PNG, the Keerom Police Chief admitted that he did not know for sure. To reach Komailen from Naliti on foot for 15 minutes.