Situbondo Regency Government Receives DBHCHT Funds This Year Around IDR 59 Billion

SITUBONDO - The Situbondo Regency Government, East Java, received funds for the transfer of Tobacco Products Excise Sharing Funds (DBHCHT) for the 2023 fiscal year from the Central Government of around Rp59 billion for physical and non-physical activities.

Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Situbondo Regency, Sugiono, said that the tens of billions of budgets would be used for the benefit of the community through pro-people programs.

"The budget from DBHCHT is basically for physical good development, including non-physical socialization of illegal cigarettes," he said in Situbondo, East Java, Saturday.

Sugiono detailed that the DBHCHT transfer funds around Ro59 billion will later be intended for physical and non-physical activities in seven Regional Apparatus Organizations or OPDs.

Namely the Department of Agriculture and Food Security (Dispertangan) with a budget allocation of DBHCHT Rp11 billion, the Department of Communication and Information (Diskominfo) Rp2 billion.

Meanwhile, at the Regional Development Planning Agency or Bappeda, around Rp. 400 million, the Office of Industry and Trade Cooperatives (Diskoperindag) Rp. 1.3 billion, the Social Service (Dinsos) Rp. 2.5 billion, Satpol PP Rp. 6.5 billion, the Health Office (Dinkes) Rp. 20 billion.

"Apart from the seven OPDs, the DBHCHT budget is also divided into three local government-owned hospitals, namely RSUD dr. Abdoer Rahem Rp2 billion, RSUD Besuki Rp6 billion, RSUD Asembagus Rp5 billion rupiah," he explained.

Data obtained, DBHCHT transfer funds from the central government in the 2024 fiscal year amounting to IDR 59 billion decreased when compared to the previous year which reached around IDR 66 billion