Jombang Police Have Determined That The Bus Driver Of The Group Of Junior High School Students Is A Suspect In An Accident
The Jombang Resort Police, East Java, has named a tourism bus driver carrying a group from SMP PGRI 1 Wonosari, Malang after leaving Yogyakarta as a suspect in an accident at KM 695+400 on the Jombang - Mojokerto Toll Road, Wednesday (21/5) night.
Head of the Jombang Police Traffic Unit, AKP Nur Arifin, stated that his party had conducted a study of the results of the crime scene (TKP), witness examination and brought in expert witnesses. There are several things that confirm the determination of the Bimario tourism bus driver with the police number W-7422-UP with the initials Y (36), a resident of Bendorejo Hamlet, Gembongan Village, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency, as a suspect.
"We have filed a case, the new fact we found in the field is that the first used 69.2 meter brake in the field is not a former bus brake, but a former truck brake in the back. In this case, there is no braking at all by bus drivers," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 25.
From the results of the examination, the expert witness on the brake condition on the bus is actually still functioning. In addition, the kir test is still valid.
In addition, another fact states that the witness from the truck driver did not at all see a signal of lights from the bus driver to overtake his vehicle.
"The truck driver's witness did not signal at all the lights from the bus driver to overtake and the witness in the field was indeed driving in sleep," he said.
Nur Arifin also explained that the driver was also driving faster. It is also known from the recording that the speed is between 100 and 110 kilometers per hour.
From the facts obtained, the Jombang Police then named the tourism bus driver as a suspect. For the negligence of the driver, he was charged with Articles 310 paragraph (2) and (4) of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation with a penalty of six years in prison.
Previously, an accident occurred between the Bimario tourism bus and the police number W-7422-UP and a truck with police number N-9674-UH at KM 695+400 on the A of the Jombang - Mojokerto Toll Road, Wednesday (21/5) night.
The bus was driven by Y, a resident from Blitar Regency. At the time of the incident, the bus was on its way home with a group from SMP PGRI 1 Wonosari, Malang from Yogyakarta.
At that time, the bus contained 51 people. The bus driver fell asleep so the bus went left and hit the truck in front of him. As a result of the incident, two people died and dozens were injured.