After The Fire, Pertamina Balikpapan Refinery In The Cooling Process

The Fire Team has successfully handled the incident at CDU IV Balikpapan Refinery at 07.30 WITA. Currently, the team is focusing on efforts to cool down the incident area to prevent the fire from starting again.

The Balikpapan Refinery Pedaman Team, supported by 7 fire engines belonging to PT KPI RU V and 1 fire car from Pertamina Group in Balikpapan, were dispatched in the incident.

The static fire ground around the location was also activated to help outage and localize heat sources. Currently, the team continues to ensure there is no heat source in the area of the incident is safe.

"Alhamdulillah, the Fire Team has managed to control the conditions and currently efforts are being made to cool down," said General Manager of the Pertamina International Refinery (KPI) Balikpapan Unit Bayu Arafat to VOI, Jakarta, Saturday, May 25.

Previously, the Pertamina Balikpapan refinery that caught fire was reported to have been extinguished. The fire had risen high since dawn.

Corporate Secretary of PT Refinery Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Hermansyah Y Nasroen confirmed the fire. He confirmed that the fire had been extinguished.

"It's been extinguished, Alhamdulillah," he said via text message to VOI, Saturday, May 25 at 07.05 WIB.