Forward In The North Sumatra Gubernatorial Election, Teguh Santosa Ready To Explain Vision And Mission

MEDAN - Teguh Santosa has established itself in the gubernatorial election for the North Sumatra (North Sumatra) region. He admitted that he was ready to explain his vision and mission to the Gerindra Party DPD in the near future.

Teguh's readiness was conveyed by the Coordinator of "Bro Teguh's Friend", Erie Prasetyo, when he returned Teguh's registration form to the Gerindra DPD, Thursday (23/5).

"Bang Teguh has submitted the vision and mission documents with the other documents needed. God willing, in time Bang Teguh will explain the vision and mission in front of the Gerindra Pandemic and the general public," said Erie in a written broadcast received by VOI on Friday, May 24.

Erie also said that after this "Bro Teguh's friend" would move to socialize Teguh Santosa to all corners of North Sumatra.

"God willing, socializing Bang Teguh in North Sumatra is not a tough thing. He never forgets his hometowns and often visits to provide support to fellow activists and students in North Sumatra," said Erie who is also the Korwil Volunteer Prabowo Gibran Digital Team (Pride) North Sumatra.

Teguh Santosa who was born and raised in Medan is a lecturer at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and founder of RMOL Network and now leads the Indonesian Cyber Media Network (JMSI). The submission of Teguh Santosa's file was received directly by the Head of the Cagub/Cawagubsu Training Team of the North Sumatra DPD Gerindra, Sugiat Santoso.

"Today we have received Teguh Santosa's file. Later the person concerned will follow the process of explaining the vision and mission and his name will be included in the Gerindra survey regarding the 2024 gubernatorial election," said Sugiat Santoso.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the 2024 Gubernatorial Election Training Team, Ikrimah Hamidi, said that so far 12 people have registered to take part in the 2024 gubernatorial election, both for the prospective governorial candidate and vice candidate positions. Based on the plan, the selection process for prospective candidates for the 2024 gubernatorial election will still last until May 28, 2024.

"But the exact schedule for submitting the vision and mission for prospective governor and prospective deputy candidates is still being discussed. The DPD management is busy with the agenda of conveying vision and mission for candidates who will take part in the district/city elections," he said.

Ikrimah explained that all names who registered for the 2024 gubernatorial election at the North Sumatra Gerindra DPD will be surveyed. This survey will be conducted by a survey agency from the FISIP University of North Sumatra (USU).

"The results of this survey will be one of the instruments that is the reason we propose the name of the prospective governor candidate to be carried in the 2024 gubernatorial election. Even so, the DPP will still determine who will be carried out," he concluded.

The founder of the KedaiKOPI Survey Institute, Hendri Satrio, separately said that Teguh Santosa's presence made the 2024 gubernatorial election even more attractive.

"Teguh Santosa is a fresh alternative figure in North Sumatra," said Hendri.