It's Been Raining Since This Afternoon, Katulampa Dam Status Is On Standby 3

The rain that has been pouring since this afternoon has made the water level of the Ciliwung River in Katulampa Dam, Bogor City increase. The water level reaches 120 centimeters or standby status 3.

Head of Katulampa Dam, Andi Sudirman, said the Katulampa main channel at 19.00 WIB had only 30 centimeters of water discharge. However, at 19.14 WIB the water level reached 120 centimeters.

"A water level of 120 centimeters or standby 3," Andi said in his statement, Friday, May 24.

He estimates that the water level is expected to reach the capital city of Jakarta in the next 9-12 hours.

"Rain weather conditions," he concluded.

For information, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued an early warning of weather conditions for the Jabodetabek area on Friday, May 24, at 20.10 WIB.

This area has the potential to experience moderate to high intensity rain which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

The following are areas that are expected to rain:

Bogor Regency: Cibinong, Citeureup, Sukaraja, Babakan Madang, Sukamakmur, Kemang, Bojong Gede, Leuwiliang, Ciampea, Cibungbulang, Pamijahan, Rumpin, Jasinga, Nanggung, Cigudeg, Tenjo, Ciawi, Cisarua, Megamendung, Caringin, Cijeruk, Ciomas, Dramaga, Ciseeng, Ranca Bungur, Sukajaya, Tajurhalang, Cigombong, Leuwisadeng, Tenjolaya,

Bogor City: South Bogor, East Bogor, Central Bogor, West Bogor, North Bogor, Land Sareal, and surrounding areas.

Bogor Regency: Parung, Gunung Sindur, Parung Panjang, Tamansari,

South Jakarta: Sunday Market, Jagakarsa,

East Jakarta: Kramatjati, Pasar Rebo,

Depok City: Pancoran Mas, Cimanggis, Sawangan, Limo, Sukmajaya, Beji, Cipayung, Cilodong, Cinere, Tapos, Bojongsari,

Tangerang Regency: Tigaraksa, Jambe, Curug, Panongan, Legok, Pagedangan, Cisauk, Solear,

South Tangerang City: Serpong, Ciputat, East Ciputat, Pamulang, Setu, and surrounding areas.