PDIP Admits Anies Has The Potential To Win If He Returns To The DKI Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - Secretary of the DKI Jakarta PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Deserves Nainggolan not to deny that Anies Baswedan still has the potential to win if he returns to the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. "If we look at the mirror in yesterday's presidential election, I can't believe that Mr. Anies is still very potential (to return to being the Governor of DKI)," said Pantas to reporters, Friday, May 24. Experiencing being the Governor of DKI Jakarta during the 2017-2024 period, according to Pantas, became a sufficient provision for Anies to gain high votes and win the 2024 Pilkada in DKI Jakarta. "As a discourse, it could be possible, but what is certain is that the PDIP DPP will definitely consider all," he said. DPD PDIP DKI Jakarta has now proposed the name of the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi as a party cadre to be promoted in the 2024 DKI gubernatorial election. Pantas assessed that Prasetyo deserves to be promoted by PDIP in the Pilkada this year because it has experience in supervising the running of the government in Jakarta for two periods. "His capacity as Chairman of the DPRD for two periods, 10 years is already an achievement and he is already a cadre of our own, "said Deliberately. In line with that, PDIP DKI Jakarta also began to establish communication with other political parties related to the opportunity to form a coalition in carrying out caub-cawagub.

This is because, of the 11 political parties that passed the 2024 Legislative Election in the DKI Jakarta DPRD, none of the parties with votes reached 20 percent of the seats in the DPRD or 25 percent of the votes were valid. So, the coalition must be established in order to meet the requirements for the nomination. "It needs to be remembered that there is not a single party that meets the formal requirements, like it or not, communication between political parties must occur," he added.