Viral Brawl Action In Menteng Pulo, Police Intervene

JAKARTA - A viral video on social media shows a brawl that occurred on Jalan Menteng Pulo, Setiabudi, South Jakarta on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at around 04.00 WIB.

In the video, it can be seen that two groups are involved in a brawl. They are equipped with sharp weapons in the form of sharp weapons with large sickles.

Then, the teenager also partially got on a motorbike. The teenager who was the victim of the stab was seen being arrested by his opposing group, the victim was about to be returned to his entourage.

However, the group of the victim's friends did not heed because the opposing group arrested the victim with a machete still equipped.

Setiabudi Police Chief, Kompol Firman said his party was checking the incident.

"We're ready to check," said Firman when confirmed, Friday, May 24.

Firman admitted that he could not conclude whether there were victims of the case. He said he would convey it, after the data in the field was collected.

"We can't conclude yet. Members are collecting data," he said.