When Transgender Issues Make Boxing Universe Confused

JAKARTA The boxing field in the United States is currently getting more and more boisterous with transgender issues. Starting with the policy of the British boxing authority, Uncle Sam, which allows boxers with transgender status, to compete in the ring.

Two years ago, the idea of adopting a new rule regarding the feasibility of transgender competing in sports events had actually begun. The reactions that appear more rejections, and are getting tougher when the new rules are officially recorded in 2024.

The objections that are contributed are not about gender equality, but rather to the hormone therapy used by someone who turns gender from male to female. In any sport, the use of hormones related to masculinity is strictly prohibited.

I usually avoid political issues in sports, but this time I have to talk. I really support the principle of sports for everyone, everyone. But when it comes to the issue of female transgender, it can break the spirit and injure the values of the sport," said US female boxer Mikaela Meyer, who competed in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

The problem is none other than the use of hormones and forbidden substances. So far, the use of hormones related to increased performance is strictly prohibited, even using sunblocks is not allowed. But now state authorities are completely legalizing hormone therapy for female transgender. Is this fair?" Meyer said again, quoted by The Ring.

So far in the US boxing ring there is one transgender professional boxer, he is named Patricio Manuel. He was the first transgender to become a professional boxer in the US. The transgender from Santa Monica, 38-year-old California was born as a woman with the name Patricia Manuel. In 2012 he took part in the US boxing team selection for the London Olympics, but failed to qualify.

Failed to go to the Olympics immediately changed Manuel's direction. In 2013 he started consuming masculine hormones, before finally having sex surgery at Salt Lake City, Utah in 2014.

Manuel's professional boxing debut began in 2018, joining Golden Boy Promotions. He became increasingly popular after being frequently invited as a speaker at various LGBTQ forums, and was signed on Everlast's boxing presentation.

Manuel's achievements in the boxing ring can't be proud of him. Of the four times in the ring, all of whom faced male boxers, he won three points and lost by knockout once. All the duels were only held in 4 rounds. In his last match which was held in Idio, Cailfornia on April 4, 2024 Manuel lost to TKO in just 21 seconds to Joshua Brian Reyes.

"I'm actually still confused, but a condition like this is a fact that must be accepted," Manuel said.

According to a neurologist from the New York Athletics Commission, Nitin Sethi, the legalization of transgender entering professional boxing was carried out rashly.

"Determining the gender eligibility of men is not just matching testosterone levels. The process is much more complicated, and testosterone is not the only measure to determine the feasibility of a female transgender competing with an original man in boxing," Sethi said.

According to Sethi, the decision to accept transgender in amateur and professional boxing still has to go through a long process with many considerations.