Flash Floods In Ogan Komering Ulubulkan Tanah Longsor

JAKARTA - The flash flood disaster in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra, caused landslides in 34 points in the Ulu Ogan District on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

OKU Police Chief, AKBP Imam Zamroni, said the high rainfall that had occurred since early morning at around 01.00 WIB caused flash floods due to the overflow of the Ogan River.

As a result of natural disasters, hundreds of houses in several sub-districts in OKU Regency were flooded with water levels reaching 1-2 meters.

"For Ulu Ogan District, it was recorded that one housing unit was washed away, 60 units were heavily damaged, and 77 units were lightly damaged," said AKBP Imam Zamroni.

In fact, the flood also caused landslides at 21 points around residential areas of Ulu Ogan District.

Land deposits from the top of the hill also closed 13 road points in the local sub-district until the traffic access of the people in the area was completely paralyzed. Related to this, his party deployed personnel from the Ulu Ogan Police to clean up landslides using a unit of heavy equipment typeLoder so that community activities return to normal.

"Currently, landslides that have closed roads have been cleaned and people can carry out their activities as before. Likewise, flooding in parts of Ulu Ogan has gradually receded," said AKBP Imam Zamroni.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Ulu Ogan Police and the Dutch Village apparatus, Ulu Ogan District, made a public kitchen to help people affected by floods and landslides.

"Until now, our personnel are still on standby at flood and landslide locations to anticipate further disasters to anticipate casualties," said Imam Zamroni.