West Java Provincial Government Encourages Health Literacy In Majalengka To Prevent Stunting, DHF, And TB

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Java launched the Joint Movement for Stunting Literacy, Immunization, Prevention of DHD, Overcoming TB (Geber Si Jumo) and Taking Care of Pregnant Women In a Clean and Healthy Environment (Jamillah) with PHBS (behavior to a clean and healthy life).

The joint movement was launched by the Regional Secretary of West Java Province, Herman Suryatman, at SMK Negeri 1 Majalengka, Majalengka Regency.

"The Jumo is a hero icon for school children helping to become an agent of change in the context of independent learning to read stories (socialization) about stunting prevention, handling dengue-blooded dengue, and tuberculosis to at least 10 neighbors," said Herman.

For Geber Jamilah, Herman explained that this was related to agents of change for people who participated in the prevention of tengkes (stunting), handling dengue fever, and tuberculosis.

"Hopefully the cadres in the field can carry out their duties well," said Herman.

In addition, Herman explained that based on the Indonesian Health Survey, currently the prevalence of stunting in West Java is at 21.7 percent.

For dengue fever, during 2024, there were around 28,000 people affected by dengue fever and 210 people died.

"Likewise TB, those infected in West Java are more than 211,000. The numbers are quite high, this is our homework," said Herman.

Herman further revealed the best solution to handle it all, namely by providing understanding to the public regarding the prevention of stunting, handling dengue fever, and tuberculosis.

Therefore, the launch of Geber Si Jumo and Jamillah with PHBS behavior is the best solution in prevention and handling efforts.

"This joint movement is directed to socialize so that people understand and know that (stunting, dengue, and tuberculosis) is very dangerous," said Herman.

"If you already have an understanding, then people can handle it and even further can do prevention independently," he said.

For stunting prevention, Herman explained the Zero New Stunting strategy in two preventive ways for pregnant women before birth or after birth.

"Before birth, pregnant women must get additional blood tablets, check themselves into health workers at least six times, and get animal protein," he said.

After being born in toddlers aged 0-6 months, Herman explained that he needed to get exclusive breast milk (ASI).

Then the age of 7-24 months gets a complementary food for breast milk (MPASI) by eating foods that are animal protein, such as eggs, meat, fish, and milk.

"I think that with Zero New Stunting strategy and its moves before birth and after birth," said Herman.

Meanwhile, in handling dengue and tuberculosis, he said by implementing PHBS.

"For DHF, do 3M, namely closing, draining, and processing, there will definitely be no Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which in the end the DHF can be overcome," he said.

The same as TB which must apply PHBS. If you are already infected, people can get drugs at the nearest Puskesmas.

"I think the medicine has been provided, it's just a matter of public literacy and it can be done with mutual cooperation," he said.

Acting Regent of Majalengka, Dedi Supandi, said that his party in overcoming stunting would implement a decentralization of the village budget.

"I have committed that in my era there will be a decentralization of the budget. So, there must be support from the village government. Every village must be paid for stunting funds," said Dedi.

He will also field 1,173 third-level Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN) students to help socialize and monitor pregnant women in an effort to reduce stunting rates in Majalengka.

"I gave a special task of reducing stunting. They just need to check at several points that are used as location points, after that we will drop various interventions (needs)," he said.