Launches New Logo, Peruri Boss: Proof Of Readiness To Undergo GovTech Assignment

JAKARTA - The General Company for Money Printing of the Republic of Indonesia (Perum Peruri) stated that the launch of a new logo indicates the company's readiness to carry out assignments as the organizer of Indonesia's digital transformation technology (GovTech).

President Director of Peruri Dwina stated that rebranding is not just a logo change, but redefines our identity and what we are fighting for.

"This also marks Peruri's readiness to be at the forefront of technological advances," Dwina said, quoting Antara.

The launch of the new Peruri logo will be held on Wednesday (22.5) in Peruri City, Jakarta, which will be used as a working area for the Indonesian GovTech team.

The event, entitled The New Face of PERURI: Innovation for a Sovereign Future, is a special moment for Peruri because the presence of a new logo is a declaration of Peruri's readiness to enter a new chapter as GovTech Indonesia.

Peruri explained that the logo change was driven by the spirit to show the company's growing capabilities. The straight line on the Peruri logo reflects the long journey of Peruri technology from time to time.

Furthermore, the central part reflects on high-level security-focused technology as a core that encourages Peruri to make breakthroughs. Light emitting in all directions reflects the transformative innovation that spreads throughout aspects of life.

Then, the color core blue describes technology, security, and sovereignty; the hi-tech sheet describes digital and transformation; and beyond purple depicts innovation, beyond, and acceleration.

"After more than half a decade as a superior company in high security technology, Peruri displays a fresh visual identity that illustrates how we are able to generate quality services to maintain the authenticity of complex products, identities and digital systems," said Dwina.

Also attending the launch event were Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas, Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs Rabin Indrajad Hattari, and various other parties.

"It is an honor today that we are launching from the Peruri rebranding. This logo change is in accordance with the challenges of the times, from printing to security paper, digital security to SPBE. A transformation with a clear red line," said Tiko, Kartika's nickname.

In line with Tiko's statement, Minister Anas said that Peruri not only changed the logo, but also marked a transformation.

"National countries that have GovTech, accelerate the interoperability process of their services. This is also what we have, in the near future it will be launched. If this is really done, we will be able to accelerate the achievement when digital transformation was carried out properly," said Anas.

Peruri, who now has the mandate as GovTech Indonesia as the organizer of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) through Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023, carries out a big responsibility.

Not only is it responsible for producing advanced innovations and technologies, but also to ensure that these innovations can provide great added value to society and the government in carrying out its duties and functions more effectively and efficiently.

This complements the pillars of Peruri's business to the four main pillars, namely banknote printing, security printing, digital security, and GovTech Indonesia.

In addition to introducing a new logo, Peruri also inaugurated the GovTech Indonesia work area located in Peruri City. The GovTech Peruri Office was inaugurated directly by Menpan RB Abdullah Azwar Anas and Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

The GovTech Indonesia work area has an interesting design aesthetic so that the GovTech team can work comfortably and optimally.