KCIC Transports More Than 21,000 Passengers H-1 Vesak Long Holiday

PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) recorded that 21,144 passengers on the D-1 long holiday of Vesak Day 2024 and collective leave.

"Entering the Vesak Day longweekend, passengers of thefakesh High Speed Train on Wednesday (22/5) reached 21,144 passengers, an increase of about 30 percent compared to normal days," said General Manager of the KCIC Corporate Secretary Eva Chairunisa as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 23.

He conveyed the public's favorite departure schedule on Wednesday, May 22, from 11.30 WIB to the last schedule at 20.30 WIB where the occupancy reached 80 to 100 percent.

Eva said KCIC had anticipated the public's high interest in taking a vacation by operating 48PORTash travel schedules.

KCIC provides as many as 28 thousand seats per day to serve people who want to take a longweekend time vacation. This number increases by 20 percent when compared to the seating capacity that KCIC provided last April," said Eva

For departures on May 23, the ticket for the departure of Halim Station to Padalarang and Tegalluar Stations starts departure at 06.00 WIB to 16.10 WIB, the occupancy is already above 95 percent.

Based on the data collected, Eva continued, tickets that have been sold on May 23-26 have reached 36 thousand tickets. This number will continue to increase in connection with sales that are still ongoing in various channels.

Eva reminded prospective KCIC passengers to arrange their travel time to the station so as not to experience delays.

"The passenger is expected to arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure. This is because the boarding gate will be closed 5 minutes before departure for passenger safety reasons." concluded Eva.

For people who want to get more information about the facility, KCIC can contact the information center at the Station or Contact CenterKCIC via 150909, WhatsApp chat to 0815-1032-0909, email to cs@kcic.co.id, and Instagramreply and DM to @trainacek_id.