Reminding PTN To Be Built Using People's Money, Prabowo Says UKT Should Be Cheap Or Free

JAKARTA - President-elect for the 2024-2029 period Prabowo Subianto said state universities (PTN) use state budgets originating from public money. Therefore Prabowo will try to lighten the single tuition fee (UKT).

"If it can be very minimal or free. We have to calculate this and work hard for it," Prabowo said as quoted from his written statement, Thursday, May 23.

Prabowo said the world of education should not be considered like an industry. This pattern emerged after the New Order era.

"So he thinks that all of that can be a market. Even though this is a public goods. Social obligations for a country," said the former Danjen Kopassus.

Prabowo ensured that when he led, he would find ways to improve education in the country. Moreover, the times continue to grow.

One of the ways that Prabowo will use is to continue downstreaming of the industry launched by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He said, this program could increase the country's income so that the existing money could boost the world of education.

"Of course we have to downstream it so that we can get added value and improve our education," he said.

Previously reported, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim said that the increase in UKT as a result of the existence of the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 2 of 2024 only applies to new students. Meanwhile, those who have studied will not be affected.

"So, the Ministry of Education and Culture regulations emphasize that the new UKT regulations only apply to new students and do not apply to students who have studied in universities," he said.

He said there were many misperceptions in the community regarding the regulation. Among other things, the increase in UKT is considered applicable to all students studying at universities.