Khamenei Ensures Acting President Mokhber Continues Raisi's Policy Regarding Palestine

JAKARTA - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei confirmed that Acting President Mohamamd Mokhber would continue the late President Ebrahim Raisi's policy regarding Palestine, when receiving the Head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas militant group Ismail Haniyeh on Wednesday.

On behalf of the Palestinian state and people, Ismail Haniyeh expressed his condolences to Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the Iranian people on the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and their colleagues in a helicopter crash.

Meanwhile, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed his gratitude for the sympathy of the Palestinian people, especially the people of Gaza, and expressed his condolences for the martyrdom of Haniyeh's children.

Referring to the extraordinary resistance of the people of Gaza which has garnered support from the world community, Khamenei said no one expected that one day American students would sing in support of Palestine and wave their flag.

"No one would believe that one day people in Japan held demonstrations and shouted support for Palestine in Persian," he said, reported by Mehr, May 22.

He continued, events related to the Palestinian issue will occur in the future that seem difficult to believe at the moment.

Referring to verses from the Koran, Khamenei said that Allah SWT's first promise regarding the Palestinian people had been fulfilled, namely the victory of the Gaza people.

They succeeded in dominating the large and powerful group of America, NATO, Britain and several other countries, said Khamenei.

He added that the second promise, namely the annihilation of the Zionist regime, could also be realized.

Khamenei emphasized that Acting Iranian President Mohammad Mokhber, who is responsible for the country's executive affairs in accordance with the constitution, will continue the policies and approaches of the late President Ebrahim Raisi regarding Palestine with the same spirit and enthusiasm.

It is known that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led the funeral prayers and prayers for the late President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other helicopter crash victims at Tehran University, Wednesday morning.

Separate funeral ceremonies were held in Tabriz and Qom yesterday, before the bodies were moved to Tehran for people to say goodbye to the eight martyrs at the Grand Musalla on Tuesday evening. President Raisi himself will be buried on Thursday afternoon in the holy city of Mashhad in northeastern Iran.