Pregnant Wife Molested While Accompanying Her Husband With Treatment, DRM Doctor In Palembang Becomes A Rape Suspect

JAKARTA - The South Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) named a doctor as a suspect in a case of alleged molestation of a patient's wife at a hospital (RS) in the Jakabaring area, Palembang.

Director of General Criminal Investigation of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. M Anwar, said that the DRM doctor was named a suspect in raping pregnant women.

"With reports from victims, the suspect was summoned twice, then carried out a BAP (examination report) on Monday (May 20). Then an arrest and suspect was made currently in detention," he said at a press conference.

According to him, the suspect DRM doctor took action against a person in a state of faintness or helpless as referred to in the formulation of article 6 letters and or article 6 letters b and or article 15 paragraph (1) letters b, 1 and j of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2022 concerning criminal acts of sexual violence.

She explained that the incident started when the victim (TAF) was waiting for her husband, who was currently a patient who was being treated at the hospital.

Then the suspect simulated his fingers, then the suspect injected medicine into the patient, after the patient was unconscious, the remaining drug was injected into the victim on the right hand.

After the victim suffered a headache and was sleepy, the suspect committed a physical sexual act, at that time the victim was four months pregnant. The victim suffered abrasions on his left breast and a wound on his right elbow folds from a needle stab.

According to Anwar, the suspect is subject to Article 6 letter A and/or Article 6 letter B and/or Article 15 Paragraph (1) letters B, I and J of Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning the crime of sexual violence with a maximum penalty of 16 years in prison.

Meanwhile, several flower bouquets decorate the courtyard of the South Sumatra Police Headquarters because they have named the suspect for the doctor, which reads, among others, "Mantap, sir, the police have arrested unscrupulous doctors".

In addition, there is also a wreath that reads "Thank you, sir, the police have arrested unscrupulous doctors from us netizens".