Kayan's IAD Landscape Becomes A National Program

TANJUNG SELOR - Bulungan Regent Syarwani emphasized that the development of an integrated social forestry-based area is carried out in an integrated and collaborative manner.

The collaboration was carried out between the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and ministries/agencies, local governments, state-owned enterprises, academics, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the community.

According to him, community development programs around forest areas need to be optimized. Moreover, there are many programs and activities across Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and institutions that were previously still running independently, so that they can run together after the formation of the IAD approach.

"We are grateful that we can carry out Kayan's IAD Landscape program, Bulungan includes one of the 9 regions in Indonesia which is accommodated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 28 of 2023. This is an extraordinary thing as a form of recognition and our legal umbrella in the implementation of accelerated development in the Kayan Landscape area," said Regent Syarwani, Wednesday, May 22.

He explained, according to Presidential Decree No. 28 of 2023, Kayan's Landscape area includes 4 sub-districts with 18 villages with an area of 650 thousand hectares, spread from Antanutan Village to Long Peleban Village in Hulu Sungai Kayan.

"This program is really expected to become a new model in the context of accelerating village development in Bulungan Regency," he explained.

He said, this does not only talk about the concept of social forestry only but various development programs so that regional officials can certainly be involved in it. Such as the social service, the education office and the health office.

"The development of the Kayan Landscape wants us to make an integration area, not just talking about the area around the forest," said Syarwani.

"Of course this requires the support of all parties including the village head, the sub-district head of entrepreneurs whose territory is in the Kayan Landscape area," he continued.

Syarwani added that his party appreciates and expresses his gratitude to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which has been the startegis partner of the Bulungan Regional Government (Pemda), such as pioneers, the Nusantara Nature Conservation Foundation (YKAN) and others who participated in formulating the IAD Landscape Kayan program.

"Thank you to our NGO friends for their active involvement in formulating IAD through Kayan's landscape," he added.

Meanwhile, the director of the Pionir Foundation in Bulungan Regency, Doni Tiaka, said that Bulungan was the first of 9 other districts in Indonesia to be included in the Presidential Regulation 28 of 2023 which implemented the IAD program.

"We (Bulungan) are the first and the fastest, in a year the IAD proposal has been signed by the regent and there is already a decree (Decree) for the management team," he said.

In the workshop activities, it was also discussed related, the Village Learning House (RBD) which will later become a forum for village and sub-district knowledge and coordination for various development itegration programs.

"In the past, OPD could go directly to the village, now there is one collaborative forum for village learning houses (RBD) as a means of sharing knowledge, about integration of development and others," said Doni.

Doni explained that the RBD was not physical, but the field school was in the joint rural area of several villages that had the same issue.

"Landscape Kayan is an integration of development that used to be difficult to carry out. Previously, districts did not have the authority to build in forest areas, with this program the Bulungan Regional Government could participate in development in forest areas," he concluded.