The Constitutional Court Calls 106 Cases Of The 2024 Legislative Election Dispute Continued To The Evidence Session

JAKARTA - Head of the Legal and Administrative Bureau of the Ministry of Justice and Spokesperson for the Constitutional Court (MK) Fajar Laksono said as many as 106 cases of the 2024 Legislative Election dispute or Dispute of General Election Results (PHPU) would proceed to trial of evidence.

"Yes, that's right (106 further to the evidentiary trial)," said Fajar when met at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, May 22, was confiscated by Antara.

Fajar explained, there were 297 PHPU cases for the 2024 Legislative Election which were registered by the Constitutional Court. After going through a preliminary examination hearing, it was decided at the Hakim Consultative Meeting that as many as 207 cases continued to a disal trial which was held on May 21 and 22, 2024.

He said there were types of decisions made in the dissal trial, namely decisions, stipulations, and excerpts. There were 16 excerpts of decisions pronounced in the trial, while the remaining 191 cases were declared to have stopped.

"Sixteen exceptions are that there is one application in which there is a need to stop, so the Constitutional Court uses the term excerpt of the verdict because later there will be a complete decision," he said.

Then, as many as 16 excerpts of the verdict will be tried along with 90 other cases which have been decided to pass to the evidentiary stage without the need to go through a dissal trial.

That way, Fajar continued, there were 106 cases that continued to the evidentiary trial which was planned to be held next week.

Regarding what the case was in the excerpt of the decision, Fajar admitted that he did not know the complete data.

"I don't memorize it. I don't bring data, but the principle is that. The decision will be in full decision along with other arguments," he said.

Fajar also said that on Monday 27 May, the Constitutional Court began holding a trial of evidence with the agenda of hearing witnesses and experts' statements and examining and ratifying additional evidence. Later, the distribution of the trial of the case will be returned to their respective panels.

"Yang kemarin diperiksa di panel satu, ya kembali ke disidangkan ke panel satu. Begitu juga panel dua dan panel tiga. Jadi, selama empat sampai lima hari mulai tanggal 27 Mei, itulah sidang bukti kita," ujarnya.

Meanwhile, quoted from the official website of the Constitutional Court, the evidentiary trial has been scheduled from 27 May to 3 June 2024.